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Fall Damage

It seems like fall damage is WAY higher today.  Anybody else notice it?

"Azkedar was harmed in the course of this research."  This cracked me up.

Actually, yes. Was there a new update or something?

Confirmed, a 3 block drop deals half a heart (should be none), and a 16-block fall is fatal (should be 23 blocks for fatal).

Azkedar was harmed in the course of this research.

You died for a worthy cause my boy. Your research will save many lives.Well done

The gravitational pull has increased due to recent explorations in the nether

"The gravitational pull has increased due to recent explorations in the nether"  I'm sure a certain secret underground research facility pushing the boundaries of physics had nothing to do with it?

I'll be honest - we're throwing science at the wall here to see what sticks. No idea what it'll do. Probably nothing. Best-case scenario, you might get some superpowers. Worst case, some tumors, which we'll cut out.

Silver, you made my day.  If only Cave Johnson ran this server XD

Silver Johnson, we're done here!


But seriously, it's really annoying.  Any word on a cause or a fix?  I can barely build with this setting.

This is not a setting that I would know how to control.

Good news: Found it.
Bad news: Can't fix it.

It looks like this is a bug in vanilla in 1.3.2 for servers.

It was reported as a bug to the Bukkit Team here:

They said that it was a bug in vanilla, which is supported by the discussion on Minecraft Wiki here:

So, basically, this is a minecraft bug, and we are stuck with it until/unless they fix it in the vanilla server.

:)  Thanks for getting to the bottom of that, Arch Coder.