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/buy without deposit slot?

Hello everyone,

I have tried to use the /buy command after watching this page - - but I seem to have missed something as for me the "/buy" command seems to work as the described "/depotbuy" command, and therefore replies me with an error message stating that I don't have a free deposit slot.

I have just started playing and was just looking for sugarcane to start making paper and books, in order to build an enchantment table before piling up too much XP. I hope I don't have to wait 90 days and citizenship ;p

Here's a screenshot of the error message and the command entered:

Oh well it seems that some solutions only appear after you've made a fool of yourself asking for help.

I figured out I had 2 lottery items in my deposit, and after withdrawing them it worked fine.. I got my sugarcane ;p


glad it's solved!