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is the server outdated?

i updated my minecraft and i cant seem to log in anymore i was wondering is the server still running on 1.1
if so does any1 have any idea when it will be updated

Yes, the server is still running 1.1. Bukkit has not release a stable version that suits our needs here yet. Uncovery is working on it very hard. And will update to 1.2.3 as soon as possible.

It is your choice to either play one the 1.2.3 temporary server or downgrade to 1.1 to play with the main portion of the server's players. To connect to 1.2.3 please connect to If you downgrade to 1.1 then connect to
Hope to see you around. Please wait patiently for the upgrade.

If you simply look at the top post on the blog, you get your answer. There is no bukkit version for 1.2.3 out yet. I can work as hard as I want, there is no way of updating now - unless we work with a very unstable version that has bugs like this: