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Incorrect "flying" kick

I'm stuck right now in the End pillared up on some gravel to make flint. I was kicked for "flying (or related)", and now every time I log in, the same thing happens. Could you fix it, please? I'm unable to do anything now.

Done, please relogin.

Is there something I could have done to avoid this, or was there just a bug in ncp? I haven't had trouble pillaring up before.

It's hard to know what caused this unfortunately.
Generally you we should have a user command where you can reset your user if something like that happens.

If you do implement such a command, would it be accessible from IRC? I only had about 1/2s before being kicked each relog.

Sorry I was not clear, that would be something on the website. It only works if you are not online, and we need proper authentication for that, which IRC does not offer.

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks again for taking care of it so quickly for me!