The minecart plugin that we are currently using is being rewritten form scratch, and today the first Alpha version was released. They have tons of new features that can allow us some nice tweaking and hopefully also faster updates in the future.
I will have to wait until a proper version is released but it seems we will be able to continue with the current plugin and then upgrade to a better version. Stand by!
Hooray! Prepare for raceways and ramps!
This Launch Thing could make traveling from lot to lot a lot easier, if I read and interpreded it correctly… and if it doesn’t get deactivated
We can make a cart system that jumps between aether lots :O
Sweet! Now who would actually want to test run that?
I would with an empty inventory and no XP…
Lol i was just thinking about jumpin aether lots
I am very much looking forward to this ^_^
Yay, better roller coasters!