Achievement code, 1st step finalized!

I have now finalized the first step. This means:

  • The calculation of levels is working 100% now.
  • We have a super-easy way to add new achievements
  • We have 3 achievements in place already. I plan to add new ones step by step (like everyday one new one or so)
  • The display in the user profile is somewhat usable and informative.
  • Levels are updated daily. There is an option to manually update levels for individual users, not sure yet where/when to do that. One option would be when the user page is viewed.

3 thoughts on “Achievement code, 1st step finalized!

  1. I love the achievements! I bestow upon you the unofficial achievement Upgrading Machine!

  2. Achievement idea: winning a lot of uncs from voting. Max level would be 2700 in one voting session. Seems a little difficult to code?

    • “one session” as in “one calendar day” or “one vote”? The achievements generally work so that things are done in a certain amount. So it’s easiest to check how much money someone has won overall in all votings so far rather than in one specific day

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