Congratz Enkl0001 and kidcodiwise for becoming elders! Posted on 2013/04/16 11:23 by uncovery As the title says… congratz :)
You guys deserve it. You are both mature and helpful people. So gratz. You have achieved the ultimate level of minecraft geekiness.
Kid, are you sure kid? Everyone will be banned now. Unc most of been drinking while typing. Just Kidding contgrats to both.
You old farts
This is a hugeee honor :D thank you so much Uncovery! I promise not to ban everyone!
Blames still on you nub!
You can ban people like hackers getting hacked zuckz
You guys deserve it. You are both mature and helpful people. So gratz. You have achieved the ultimate level of minecraft geekiness.
Congrats guys!
I can’t think of anyone who deserves it more! Congrats!
Congratz Codi and Enk!
Kid, are you sure kid? Everyone will be banned now. Unc most of been drinking while typing.
Just Kidding contgrats to both.
We did what now!?
Happy to share such good company.
So well earned and deserved. Many congrats gentlemen!
To funny.
Congrats Guys, very well deserved!
Congratsz now your old
Grats to both of you! Well done!
Felicitations to both of you!
What the heck is feliciatirpknsndj
Congratz guys.
Grats dudes.