Dear uncovererers (hu?), there is now finally a 1.9Pre2 server up. This is a temp map to fool around on and to get familiar with the 1.9 features. Do not waste your time here to build crazy stuff. It will be deleted. (Did I mention that before?)
Also, as usual, the temp server is whitelisted with a DIFFERENT system. Same list though. This means that if you are a new user who just joined, you most probably won’t be able to login on the temp server. The 1.9 whitelist gets only updated on server restart.
Anywho, I will be leaving in 24 hours to Bali, diving. I will most probably have some slow internet access sometime during the day, but I might not be able to do crazy stuff.
Have a safe flight :)
Take some awesome pictures!
Enjoy your trip! I hope to see some awesome pictures! Maybe you’ll see some squid and punch them for ink sacs while you’re there! LoL ;-) (Okay, don’t actually punch any squids. That would be mean, although they are very tasty.)
Enjoy your trip Uncovery!
Have fun!
Take some nice pictures for us and have fun
Have fun diving!
Indonesia is awesome, have fun!