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Post History: pinebenj1
Ah, guess I replied a bit late then. Whoops.In: Shop Problem - Requesting items at a lower cost charges instead of credits
7 years ago
I think he's saying that the system is fixed, but you credited him half as much as he lost. It …In: Shop Problem - Requesting items at a lower cost charges instead of credits
7 years ago
Just though i'd share a progress update. Stehpdeg has completed the new towers and the swamp ha …In: The City of Heaven's Reach!
7 years ago
I'm generally in agreement with Alleywig. I think the user that proposes someone for promotion …In: User voting out of hand
7 years ago
Hey Alleywig,
It seems you're the owner of the main lots now (Thanks Unc)! When you get a ch …In: The City of Heaven's Reach!
7 years ago
Hey Jonno,
Nice hearing from you! Discussion about transferring lots might have to wait until the …In: The City of Heaven's Reach!
7 years ago
Hey Alleywig.
It seems the comments for the day were deleted. I have added you to all the kingdo …In: The City of Heaven's Reach!
7 years ago
Hey Alleywig, and Psychodrea. Good to hear from you both. It would be great if you both would work o …In: The City of Heaven's Reach!
7 years ago
Hey everyone. I think it's clear that I haven't been able to keep up with this project. I& …In: The City of Heaven's Reach!
7 years ago
World: Kingdom
Lots: King i12, i13, j12, j13
I am the project leader, and pluto i …In: 2012 Builds Showcase
12 years ago
11 years ago
Here are just some photos of my city with a shader pack. My city with shaders!
11 years ago
Hey brewda, I can't seem to load yours on my client. Do you think you could re upload the file …In: Gothic Church Contest
11 years ago
11 years ago
Hello! As some of you know, me and a few others are working on a medieval city in the kingdom world. …In: Gothic Church Contest
11 years ago
Actually, with what I have, I could pay the winners twice over. However, I am taking donations ;)In: Medieval docks contest results
11 years ago
I will give out the rewards, as soon as I can get on to the server.In: Medieval docks contest results
11 years ago
Thank you to everyone who entered. You all won something, so good job. I'm excited to use some …In: Medieval docks contest results
11 years ago
you don't have to use mediafire, akium. You can use anything that I can retrieve the map from i …In: Medieval Docks Contest!
12 years ago
Upload your map to a website like mediafire, and post the link to the download.
Also, you can use s …In: Medieval Docks Contest!
12 years ago
Also, if you have more than one entry, make sure it is on the same map. Just put a sign next to it t …In: Medieval Docks Contest!
12 years ago
As some of you know, I am currently working on a medieval city in the kingdom world; heaven's r …In: Medieval Docks Contest!
12 years ago
Kingdom lots I12, I13, J12, J13.
It takes a long time to walk there, so just ask me for …In: Update...
12 years ago
I am proud to say, that the fortress-city of Heaven's reach has hit the 25-30% mark. There is a …In: Update...
12 years ago
1. The Pits, Puttmut
2. Thieves Run, Underbridge
3. Heaven's Fist, Himisawesome
4. The …In: Heaven's Reach Contest Winners
12 years ago
Here's a quick mini-contest for anyone wanting to win some valuable items.
My city, Heaven&# …In: Heaven's Reach Contest!
12 years ago
9 years ago
Might pop on a bit more often in a couple weeks. But I still have a research job, so not too much.In: The City of Heaven's Reach!
9 years ago
9 years ago
and hell, if you want to take over the project, i'll even gift you the lots, but that's up …In: The City of Heaven's Reach!
9 years ago
Regrettably I haven't had time to work on the city at all. I have been busy with my studies and …In: The City of Heaven's Reach!
9 years ago
No thank you. I think we're good on cobble for now. If we do need it i'll let you know. :) …In: The City of Heaven's Reach!
12 years ago
Salutations! Some of you have been made aware of a new city that is in the works. For those who don& …In: The City of Heaven's Reach!
12 years ago
The Uncovery trade tower is now finished(with the exception of Hiosa's top floor) and open for …In: Uncovery Trade Hub Grand Opening
12 years ago
As some of you know, the Uncovery Trade Tower has been copied to the city. I am trying my best,(alon …In: Notice for Uncovery Trade Hub floor owners
12 years ago
Uncovery, I think the tower goes to 192 at the moment. I can shorten it a bit, if it needs it.
Al …In: The Uncovery City Trade Hub
13 years ago
This is my prototype for a massive skyscraper I will be building in the skylands. Hopefully, it will …In: The Uncovery City Trade Hub
13 years ago
I suppose it's okay to post ideas, as this city has a small chance of getting started up; howev …In: Demonic/Celestial City Ideas and Plans Thread
13 years ago
. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ,.-‘”. . . . . . . . . .``~.,
. . . . . . . .. . . . . .,.-”. . . . …In: Demonic/Celestial City Ideas and Plans Thread
13 years ago
Ok so we're going to have one large hell-like city, and one large heaven-like city. They will b …In: Demonic/Celestial City Ideas and Plans Thread
13 years ago