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Glitchy glitchy skyblock

So i was checking my skyblock lot, like any other day, just walkin' around, nothin' unusual. That is, until i looked at the corner of my lot. The far North-West corner chunck of my lot was missing. That's pretty weird, i thought, it must be a chunck reading error or something, so i restarted my minecraft. When i came back on, it was still missing! At this point, i was pretty frustrated because i had some dirt and trees there, that are no longer there. And now it's been a few weeks, and it seems pretty permanent. So i was wondering, what's up with that? Does this happen often in skyblock? Should i be concerned? Is my dirt gone forever?

can you give me the coordinates where it is and maybe a screenshot?

I can't figure out how to put up a screenshot, but the cords are X:19 Y:74 Z:1 approximately. it's right next to the spawn.

Yeah I saw it. unfortunately I have no idea how this happened. Sky-world like aether and skyblock sometimes have these issues, I ran into this before. I also, unfortunately cannot do anything about it... I do not think this happens a lot, the last time was quite some time ago and it was a bukkit issue that they later fixed.

Does this mean that the Aether wouldn't be the safest place to store everything? I have an aether lot that I use for a personal storage so that nobody on one of my group projects can access it. Is there a chance that the same thing could happen there?

well we did not have these issues for a while. If you realize the issue in time and it's a SERIOUS issue, we can load a backup.

The chances are higher if here is only a 1-block layer of floor from past experience.

Ah, okay. It seems like it would be a small to zero chance, but better safe than sorry.