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Http Error Debug (Unusual)

I am trying to get onto the server just following 1.6.4 update. Java is running current, and I have researched the cause of my displayed error to be mojang/minecraft services to be down. The curve ball is that they are up and running and no other explanation is given as to why I cannot login.

it's a java io exception listed a s http response 503 (linked below for example)

Advice would be nice because I am not a web dev. or programmer.
But I will issue a ticket if it cant be resolved within a week's time.

Thank You,


Here's my advice.

Oh,go play outside or something.

Thanks Sleepy, the display for updated to out of service, as well as the auth serv.

Makes me feel less crazy.

I see that people are able to get on so I'll keep digging and relogging.

(Outside is nice too, but I do that more than 40hrs/week - i need my mergerm-a-germ)