I am planning on creating an epic quest with the story admin. This quest will be planned in an out-of-game environment such as a wiki. It will be a multi-branch game, involving as much of the city builds as possible. It will be permanent work-in-progress and ever-expanding through user submissions. Structure proposal
We could have several main story arcs
- The epic quest
- Story Arc “Egypt – find tut anch’s mask”
- Story Arc “Japan – rescue the emperor’s daughter”
- Story Arc “The secret of the cathedral”
- etc.
The story arcs will have several sub-branches and can connect to other story arcs through intermediary quests & bridge-stories.
If you are interested in participating or of you have additional ideas, please comment.
Only if we could add violence that would be awesome.
Well that’s actually possible. We can either put mob spawners in certain areas or have a /story command create a mob if we can write a plugin that places a mob at a certain location on command such as /spawnmob
Sounds like fun. Count me in.
That would be perfect unc:D
I know im not on all that much but id love to participate.
I would love this idea. I got bored of minecraft after a while because there is so much i can be asked to build. This will bring me back to the game and the server.
We are already working on it. If you want to join – anytime! Some people started on the story telling contest, and I am working with prodigy & hydroflame on a core story and side stories for the epic quest. You can either just go ahead and write a story by yourself or join me on a bigger project.