
Username: jonno

UUID: dfdeef98-ea00-4e66-ac57-2c0493e57cff

Usernames History: Iamjonno23, jonno (since 2015-02-13)

Level: elder

Karma: 2/-1

Money: 72600.71 Uncs

Member since: 4578 days

Offline since: 1788 days

Bio: Just a guy. A guy that loves his family, photography, writing, sports, and Minecraft. I am one of those older guys on the server, but in physical age only. Always willing to help as well.

Donations status: Not a donator

See the Achievement page for level information.





Blog Comments





Mails Sent










User Voting





Vote Lottery

2015-06-01: became Elder
2014-01-09: became Master
2013-10-06: became Designer
citizen promotion date unknown, we only keep this record since January 2016
2012-09-16: First joined
Note: This list only includes promotions that have been voted on (since September 2013).
Comments: (41)
Forum Posts: (215)

Purchase History:

Note: Items with a ? indicate missing icons only.
Date Item Name Amount Cost Seller
2020-05-03 01:06:06 Note Block 100 200 tacobelly79 tacobelly79
2020-04-28 04:03:46 String 1 0.75 puttmutt puttmutt
2020-04-28 04:03:36 String 1 0.75 puttmutt puttmutt
2020-01-13 06:06:08 Beehive (Honey 4) 1 500 stephdeg stephdeg
2020-01-04 19:56:15 Oak Fence 8 8 xmagnumx xmagnumx
2020-01-04 03:40:17 Beehive (Honey 0) 1 500 stephdeg stephdeg
2020-01-03 23:02:26 Beehive (Honey 1) 1 500 stephdeg stephdeg
2020-01-03 22:55:43 Beehive (Honey 0) 1 500 stephdeg stephdeg
2020-01-03 22:55:31 Beehive (Honey 1) 1 500 stephdeg stephdeg
2019-10-22 04:23:42 Villager Spawn Egg 3 1500 uncovery uncovery
2019-10-16 17:30:42 Pufferfish 4 32 kzr_nvd kzr_nvd
2019-10-15 02:44:00 Oak Sign 1 2 xmagnumx xmagnumx
2019-10-15 02:43:31 Oak Sign 1 2 xmagnumx xmagnumx
2019-10-15 02:17:28 Bamboo 64 64 stayen stayen
2019-10-14 00:37:06 Bamboo 64 64 stayen stayen
2019-10-14 00:21:54 Cobblestone 64 0.0064 spaceidiot spaceidiot
2019-10-13 02:43:48 Acacia Planks 1 1 bouncinlancaster bouncinlancaster
2019-10-12 08:06:19 Gravel 4 4 puttmutt puttmutt
2019-10-12 07:36:39 Bone Meal 32 15.968 lavaqball lavaqball
2019-10-12 04:22:04 Sheep Spawn Egg 4 2000 uncovery uncovery
2019-10-11 12:00:58 Spruce Sapling 4 15.8 stayen stayen
2019-10-10 01:58:35 Diamond 2 160 the_cave_warrior the_cave_warrior
2019-10-07 08:33:39 End Rod 64 288 riedi73 riedi73
2019-10-06 06:54:44 Diamond Block 1 625 riedi73 riedi73
2019-10-06 06:53:29 Elytra 1 5999 unipr0 unipr0
2019-09-17 05:35:26 Experience Bottle 20 20 sepengo sepengo
2019-09-14 06:50:01 Crossbow 2 200 sepengo sepengo
2019-09-13 05:09:52 Elytra 1 6000 the_cave_warrior the_cave_warrior
2018-04-20 06:50:28 Oak Sign 6 12 xmagnumx xmagnumx
2018-03-22 00:19:46 Diamond Block 10 4000 seanboyy seanboyy
2018-03-22 00:18:43 Diamond 1 33 alleywig alleywig
2018-03-21 23:56:43 Cocoa Beans 12 6 seanboyy seanboyy
2018-03-12 14:00:31 Diamond Block 3 1197 bouncinlancaster bouncinlancaster
2018-03-12 09:42:14 Gravel 6 3 eisele2847 eisele2847
2018-03-11 09:19:18 Saddle 1 2 manganese manganese
2018-03-11 09:17:24 Saddle 1 2 manganese manganese
2017-04-02 02:59:23 Horse Spawn Egg 1 500 uncovery uncovery
2016-09-07 07:55:20 Saddle 1 23 kingofthepigs_ kingofthepigs_
2016-09-07 07:54:58 Sugar 32 32 bdecima bdecima
2016-03-12 04:42:07 Diamond 25 1750 wraithius_ wraithius_
2016-03-10 20:42:21 Diamond 10 700 wraithius_ wraithius_
2016-03-10 20:42:18 Diamond 10 700 wraithius_ wraithius_
2016-03-10 20:42:15 Diamond 10 700 wraithius_ wraithius_
2016-03-10 20:42:11 Diamond 10 700 wraithius_ wraithius_
2016-03-10 20:41:59 Diamond 10 700 wraithius_ wraithius_
2016-03-10 20:41:08 Diamond 2 130 unipr0 unipr0
2016-02-27 13:13:22 Diamond 8 400 noobplay_1 noobplay_1
2016-02-27 13:13:02 Diamond 30 1500 noobplay_1 noobplay_1
2016-02-27 13:12:45 Diamond 20 1000 noobplay_1 noobplay_1
2016-02-25 12:31:30 Dirt 1 0.05 freshmoisture freshmoisture
572 entries, showing 0-50. Select Page: 1 2 39 10 11

Sales History:

Date Item Name Amount Cost Buyer
2020-06-14 11:59:29 Music Disc 13 2 6 plutomaster_nix plutomaster_nix
2020-04-01 02:39:59 Tnt 10 180 the_cave_warrior the_cave_warrior
2020-01-23 07:35:04 Tnt 4 72 the_cave_warrior the_cave_warrior
2018-11-11 04:12:33 Golden Helmet 3 15 skytechbytes skytechbytes
2018-05-27 03:58:18 Golden Helmet 1 5 skytechbytes skytechbytes
2018-05-25 10:52:56 Golden Helmet 2 10 skytechbytes skytechbytes
2018-04-26 10:38:32 Music Disc 13 1 3 skytechbytes skytechbytes
2018-04-26 10:38:24 Music Disc 13 2 6 skytechbytes skytechbytes
2018-04-26 10:38:01 Music Disc Cat 3 9 skytechbytes skytechbytes
2018-04-18 22:38:30 Glass 356 712 bigdaddyaarn bigdaddyaarn
2017-11-24 09:05:30 Cake 1 2 bouncinlancaster bouncinlancaster
2017-04-25 14:29:16 Music Disc Far 10 30 riedi73 riedi73
2017-04-25 14:26:02 Music Disc Blocks 5 15 riedi73 riedi73
2017-02-24 18:58:59 Grass Block 619 61.9 psiber psiber
2017-01-09 22:38:53 Grass Block 128 12.8 arielia arielia
2017-01-09 22:36:01 Grass Block 1 0.1 arielia arielia
2017-01-09 16:17:04 Iron Horse Armor 1 10 riedi73 riedi73
2016-09-11 06:11:33 Music Disc Mellohi 5 25 hadskills hadskills
2016-08-29 22:23:24 Nether Wart 61 91.5 daiyamondo daiyamondo
2016-07-10 02:54:05 Music Disc Far 1 3 jordan_masters jordan_masters
2016-07-10 02:48:04 Music Disc Blocks 1 3 jordan_masters jordan_masters
2016-06-11 08:19:01 Music Disc Blocks 1 3 gymmask gymmask
2016-06-06 22:25:50 Music Disc Ward 2 6 lukecreative lukecreative
2016-06-06 22:24:55 Music Disc Mellohi 2 10 lukecreative lukecreative
2016-06-06 22:24:31 Music Disc Mall 1 3 lukecreative lukecreative
2016-06-06 22:24:03 Music Disc Far 2 6 lukecreative lukecreative
2016-06-06 22:22:31 Music Disc Blocks 2 6 lukecreative lukecreative
2016-05-29 15:00:09 Music Disc Ward 1 3 alleywig alleywig
2016-05-29 14:59:03 Music Disc Mall 1 3 alleywig alleywig
2016-05-05 01:36:51 Music Disc Chirp 5 15 lukecreative lukecreative
2016-05-01 09:27:06 Music Disc Chirp 2 6 lukecreative lukecreative
2016-03-12 04:43:38 Iron Ingot 64 640 riedi73 riedi73
2016-02-06 09:56:12 Music Disc Mall 1 3 mad_flutist mad_flutist
2016-02-06 06:22:35 Music Disc Blocks 1 3 mad_flutist mad_flutist
2016-02-06 06:22:22 Music Disc Far 1 3 mad_flutist mad_flutist
2016-02-06 06:22:00 Music Disc Cat 1 3 mad_flutist mad_flutist
2016-02-06 06:21:26 Music Disc Ward 1 3 mad_flutist mad_flutist
2016-01-31 11:35:05 Music Disc Strad 1 3 chewjf chewjf
2015-12-29 21:20:46 Acacia Sapling 5 75 wraithius_ wraithius_
2015-12-13 18:54:27 Acacia Sapling 4 60 iiandrew_ iiandrew_
2015-11-27 16:18:42 Acacia Sapling 10 150 corkysk8 corkysk8
2015-10-19 07:14:10 Music Disc Cat 2 6 williester williester
2015-08-17 15:45:22 Cake 1 2 bugsy_danny bugsy_danny
2015-08-17 15:45:07 Cake 1 2 bugsy_danny bugsy_danny
2015-08-08 11:53:02 Cake 1 2 bugsy_danny bugsy_danny
2015-07-02 05:58:26 Music Disc Ward 1 3 imaweezul imaweezul
2015-07-02 05:55:41 Music Disc Far 1 3 imaweezul imaweezul
2015-07-02 05:55:15 Music Disc Chirp 1 3 imaweezul imaweezul
2015-07-02 05:53:23 Music Disc 11 1 5 imaweezul imaweezul
2015-05-31 23:11:46 Emerald 1 50 _ultimatum_ _ultimatum_
553 entries, showing 0-50. Select Page: 1 2 39 10 11