Going on a trip

I will be on a trip until the 13th of January. The time where I will be significantly off-line will be until January 1st. So please do not burn the server down, and report any serious issue that persists over 30 minutes to me. I can still come in and fix things, but there might be some hours delay until I get to a PC. I hope I will have some time to advance the lot manager. The issue is that all the code we have been writing over the last years has been developing into a kind of patchwork and while I have been doing the first things to clean it up, everything I do now for the lot manager makes me bump into more areas where I think that the code needs a cleanup.

So I hope you all have a good time over the holidays and have fun building! See you in the new year!

16 thoughts on “Going on a trip

  1. Have a great trip, take lots of pictures. Happy Holidays to you to.

  2. We will do our best not to destroy the server down! So….
    Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Enjoy your trip unc! Have a Great Holiday season aswell!

  4. I’ll gaurd the gates of heaven and hell while your gone, safe travels!

  5. Have a nice, well-deserved trip, and don’t worry about the server or us. We’ll make sure Dai behaves.

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