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Off-topic updates

Hey everyone! I am sure you all realized that I have not been working on the server lately. The main reason is that I am very busy at work together with the fact that I decided more than half a year ago that I wanted to change how I work on my other hobby, photography.

The issue with my photography was that I used to do all kinds of photography, but in the last 2 years I start focusing more and more on live music and dive photography. I also got some new equipment (= strobes / flash setup) end of last year for underwater photos which dramatically increased the amount of decent shots that I could take during a dive. From maybe one nice photo per dive to a dozen or more. It’s darker than one thinks down there and strobes make a huge difference. I also took a class in post-production. So I had a lot of photos that I wanted to publish but no platform to properly do so. My old “portfolio” website where I used to post the best 30-40 pictures I had ever taken was not really made for this kind of stuff, and uploading every photo individually was just not feasible. So I had to look for a new system and eventually decided that I needed to write it myself.

So I have been working for the last 6 months on that new system, on and off. There were some technical difficulties that I ran into, which took me several months to resolve, but once I finally got over those, I could make some faster progress. So the news is that I finished the software finally. It consists out of 2 parts:

One part that allows me to upload a lot of images in one batch and the system automatically sorts them by date, creates previews and then lets me include them into a blog post by simply defining the times pan of the photos I want to see. That’s ideal for live music since a band plays for a certain time as well as for diving, since a dive takes a certain time, and I want to see all photos during that time span.

The second part allows me to download data from my dive computer (depth, time & temperature) and plot it as a graph. It also reads the photo information of the above system and shows them on the graph. This gives a very nice picture of a dive that is otherwise not possible. All I need to do is define which dive I want to see and if the dive computer and the camera time did not match 100%, I just say by how much.

So I can just make a dive, upload the photos and one file from my computer, enter 2 lines of text into my blog and all is done. Hardly any work and it looks good.

So today, I finally finished working uploading recent live music photography and my recent dives and published the websites. If you want to see them, they are reachable at

http://hongkong-rocks.com and https://uncovery.net (you can guess which is which?)

What’s left to do now is to publish the first system and to clean up the second one, then potentially publish that as well. They are both 100% open-source projects. Once that is done, I can focus on working on the minecraft server again.

Spawn eggs issue update

So it seems that the new way of handling eggs which was changed in 1.9 is not yet properly implemented in our server software, “spigot”.

There is a proposed fix which waits to be implemented, the author of the websend plugin will then update his plugin and then we will install it.

When will it happen? No idea.
Please do not use eggs in the shops or deposit until then.

NoCheatPlus deactivated

Dear all,

I just deactivated NoCheatplus. This should remove some of the issues we are having with Elytras, Boats, Horses and swordswipes.

Please do me the favor and check actions on the server and tell me if it’s better now. If there are still errors, we have to look for alternate sources.

Spawn eggs are broken in Shop & deposit

FYI please do not buy, sell or deposit spawn eggs for now. There is a bug since 1.9 that disables the use. If you are capable of Java, you can see the bug report and submit a patch here:


We will need to wait until the Websend plugin author will fix the issue until we can use eggs in the shop again.

How to kill a dragon

Any ideas how to organize the dragon fight from now on?

Since people need glass bottles to catch the dragons breath and since there is a dragon respawn mechanic now, as well as more structures in the End, I wonder how to set it up in the future so that it remains challenging.

So far I do not delete the end anymore after a restart since the dragon respawns without that. I also found it’s interesting if people have to venture out further to get stuff and explore the area.

Any ideas welcome.

Darklands spawn protection issue

There is an issue with the darklands spawn. I have made the area quite generous to allow for building to be built. The issue is that the protection also prevents settlers from placing boats in the area. Unfortunately I cannot change that.


  • Either we make a smaller protected area
  • Or we build a pier somewhere that reaches outside the protection area

The spawn protection covers the area -210/270 -> 247/568, please make a proposal accordingly.

1.9 Upgrade status

So i just upgraded the server to 1.9.

The following things are still missing:

  • [FIXED] Whatever you say as a private message can be read on IRC, so I switched IRC off for now. Obviously I want to fix that, but not today anymore, it’s getting late, will try tomorrow.
  • User locations on the 2D map and what users are online is broken. I needed to change to a different plugin and still need to update the code to use the new data format.
  • We most likely will have an issue sooner or later with the inventories across worlds. Please test if all the inventories from one world to the other work well and let me know if there is an issue.
  • Several other small things do not work right now such as mob disguises, Bloody Mondays and Freaky Frydays. I hope to get those fixed soon, no ETA yet, but nothing critical. Full list will follow tomorrow.
  • Someone reported some chunk errors in the new darklands while it was still the temp server. If you see any chunk erros in the darklands please let me know including the coordinates.


Server uprage test in progess….

The server will be offline for a short while during which I will attempt to upgrade it to 1.9…

It’s taking a while because I make a full backup. Normally that happens in the background when the server is running, but this time of course I need to shut the server down completely, backup, and can then only start it again.

Server Upgrade Announcement

I will try to upgrade the server to 1.9 over sometime over the next 2 days (Sunday/Monday HKG time). Once the upgrade is successful, I will replace the old darklands with the normal world of the temp server. This means:

  • Whatever you have in the current darklands will be gone. Store it in another world.
  • Whatever you have in your inventory or enderchests in the temp server will be gone. Put it into a normal chest.
  • The temp server will be closed down.

It should not take a lot of time to upgrade, I just need to find a quiet moment. This here is just to give everyone a heads-up.