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Good news everyone!

So as you know, Minecraft 1.9 is around the corner, maybe even already in March. In the past, upgrading was always a huge issue because we used a piece of software called craftbukkit for our server. The authors of craftbukkit basically refused to shoot at a moving target and only started seriously working on a release for the new minecraft version after it was released. So it took some months until the release of the server and then some more until the plugin authors would be finished adapting the plugins to the new craftbukkit version.

Since we are using spigot now, there is a big change. First of all, the makers of spigot always tried to get a version out that is at least able to be used with the new minecraft version’s clients, even if one would not be able to use all new features (like new blocks) from the beginning. But they would gradually upgrade the client to eventually catch up with the latest features.

For the next version, they have been working in the background already since some time to make sure they are able to launch as soon as possible. So they made an announcement that should plugin makers help preparing to release compatible versions for 1.9. We still might have to wait some time until we can actually upgrade, but I hope this time it will take only days or possibly weeks but not months.

Let’s wait and hope for the best.

Today’s development updates

This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes.
Our webserver is completely open source, hosted on GitHub. You can help improve the server by fixing issues here.

Today’s development updates

This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes.
Our webserver is completely open source, hosted on GitHub. You can help improve the server by fixing issues here.

Today’s development updates

This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
Our webserver is completely open source, hosted on GitHub. You can help improve the server by fixing issues here.

Today’s development updates

This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
Our webserver is completely open source, hosted on GitHub. You can help improve the server by fixing issues here.

Block logs now also include containers!

You can now lookup containers in the block log for your lots in empire and kingdom! Please take a look at the page, you can then see what has been put into and taken from chests and furnaces etc. It even shows how coal gets consumed by the furnace.

So if there is a dispute now who might have taken items from your chests, please go and check those yourself and resolve the issues with the people who have taken the items directly!

Today’s development updates

This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
Our webserver is completely open source, hosted on GitHub. You can help improve the server by fixing issues here.

Today’s development updates

This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
Our webserver is completely open source, hosted on GitHub. You can help improve the server by fixing issues here.

Today’s development updates

This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
Our webserver is completely open source, hosted on GitHub. You can help improve the server by fixing issues here.

New XP system

We used to have a system where you could buy XP for your user. While this was convenient, it was also not very good for the economy. It pulled XP from an unlimited source, which is always bad for any economy.

So psiber helped me to change the system. We now have a command to bottle your existing XP instead. You use the command /bottlexp and it will wipe the XP of your player (in increments of 10, so if you have 55 xp points, we take 50 points and leave the five) and instead give you bottles with that XP (5 bottles in this case) into your deposit. Please be aware that XP bottle use is by design (from Mojang, not us) not 100% accurate. While we will give you 1 bottle for each 10 XP that you have, using that bottle will give you anywhere between 3 to 11 XP.

This should encourage people to rather either conserve their excessive XP or sell it at the shop, hence it will be used in the system instead of buying from an unlimited source.


In-game reading of website contents now possible!

Thanks to a suggestion from alleywig, you can now read website contents in-game! This includes blog posts, comments and forum posts. Web pages that you otherwise find on the website are not included. Also, the conversion of the contents is not perfect. So there will be some information lost. The announcement of new articles that we always had in-game will include now a link to the item as well as the command you need to use to get the content in-game.

We will also be working on a way to write comments in-game, stand by for more!

Today’s development updates

This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
Our webserver is completely open source, hosted on GitHub. You can help improve the server by fixing issues here.

New shortcut commands /uncs and /imsg

Thanks to the proposals from psiber, we have now 2 new shortcuts:

/imsg <user> <message>

is the same as /irc msg <user> <message> and used to send direct private messages to IRC users. Further,

/uncs [user]

is the same as /money status [user] and is used to retrieve your current Uncs balance (or someone else’s if you add a username.

Today’s development updates

This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
Our webserver is completely open source, hosted on GitHub. You can help improve the server by fixing issues here.