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Team speak temporarily down.

Since there is a new, so far unpatched vulnerability in the temspeak server code, I had to take the service down until further notice.

The guy who found the issue unfortunately released it into the open immediately w/o notification to the software developers first, so we have to wait now for a patch.

Message from far, far away

Dear all, I am finally on a long-awaited holiday (actually since last Saturday already). I jut wanted to let you know that emails might not be answered at the same speed as usually but within 12 hours max. As a compensation for waiting here a photo I took yesterday:

Long Nose Hawk Fish

Long Nose Hawk Fish

Server issues

Overnight I got 2 reports of abnormal crashes of minecraft clients. I just updated the server to the latest version, please let me know if you see any other weird behavior.

I am on the road and not sure how fast I can react, but please make sure you report everything you see.

Minecraft 1.10

I just wanted to let everyone know that I have made the needed preparations for minecraft 1.10. The new blocks will be tradeable in the shop as soon as we ca upgrade.

I do not expect this upgrade to have any issues. We should be ready to go as soon as the new spigot version is released which should be sometimes before the weekend is over.

Will announce when it happened.