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Today’s development updates

This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
Our webserver is completely open source, hosted on GitHub. You can help improve the server by fixing issues here.

Today’s development updates

This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
Our webserver is completely open source, hosted on GitHub. You can help improve the server by fixing issues here.

Today’s development updates

This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
Our webserver is completely open source, hosted on GitHub. You can help improve the server by fixing issues here.

FAQ: Adding users to your lot

I recently got two people asking me why they cannot add other users to their lot unless the other user has a lot as well. While this has been the case for a long time, I think it’s worth explaining why we did it. So I created a FAQ entry regarding this topic:

We track user activity through their lot ownership. Once a user becomes inactive, they lose their lot. This is the first indicator that they also should not be able to do a number of other things anymore. We did this for several reasons: Active users (i.e. with a lot) started depositing large quantities of items for random inactive users and abusing the limitations on deposit space like that. Other active users thought it’s cool to add dozens of inactive users to their lot and messed up the 2D map that way. Further, when a user had large amount of shop offers and became inactive, the offers stayed around and active users had less chances to sell their stuff. So we automatically move all shop contents of inactive users to their deposit. So we treat users without lots as inactive users and don’t allow them to interact with in-game systems until they get a lot.

Homes 100 x more accurate now!

jensenisbatman made me aware that the new homes system is visibly inaccurate. We have stored home locations only with integer numbers such as 1,2,3. Minecraft however stores locations much more accurate, such as 1.5434232344. I have changed the system now so that we store them with 2 digits behind the comma, (1.54). While this is still not as accurate as minecraft does it, I hope it will be accurate enough for everyone. You need to use the /homes update command to get better locations for existing homes.

Today’s development updates

This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
Our webserver is completely open source, hosted on GitHub. You can help improve the server by fixing issues here.

Homes in lottery, teamspeak user list

I have enabled now (thanks to psiber for the coding help) that one can win a home in the lottery – at 0.1 chance! You can see the new chances on the voting webpage. The system will now roll between 1 and 1’000 and give you the appropriate result. Good Luck! To avoid that this becomes a cash factor, we now disabled the possibility to sell homes. We might enable that later again if needed. Also, the homes reward will succeed even if you exceeded you maximum homes!

Further, you can now see who is online on the teamspeak server by doing /teamspeak list

Today’s development updates

This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
Our webserver is completely open source, hosted on GitHub. You can help improve the server by fixing issues here.

New homes system active!

The new homes are active now. Below is the documentation.
Your old homes are automatically imported – once – for free. If you get promoted from now on, you will not get additional homes for free anymore, you will only get the right to buy more home slots. New settlers will have to buy all their homes (including their first one), but also get 100 Uncs for free on join to buy one.

Please help me to find places on the website where homes are referenced so I fix it for the new system!

Plugin / Command Description
Home Manager: This command allows you to warp to pre-defined locations (homes). It also allows you to buy additional homes locations, depending on your userlevel. Home prices increase with each additional home. We use the formula: cost = (no_of_homes ^ 3) x 10.
/home <home name> Warps you to your home. If you have several homes, add the name of it.
/homes buy <home name> This will buy you 1 additional home slot.
/homes update <home name> [new name] This will update the position of an existing home. Alternatively to /homes update <name> you can also use /sethome <name>. You can rename the home at the same time by optionally adding a new name after the current name.
/homes rename <home name> <new name> This will change the name of an existing home.
/homes list [world] This will list all of your homes. Optionally add a world name to filter
/homes check This will return the cost of your next home you can purchase along with your current maximum number of homes.

Today’s development updates

This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
By the way our server code is Open Source. You can help improving it here.

New Homes system – Status update

So I have been working on the new homes system, and in general it is working fine. Unfortunately, I forgot to “lock it away”, so some users have seen the code and already started using it and buying new homes. This is an issue since before we can use it I have to reset the database. The system is not finished yet! So the homes that people bought will be removed again. I will do a manual refund for the money those users spent today.

We will need some more days before we can replace the old system, so please be patient. I am quite busy towards the end of the week and have to see when I can sit down and test things properly.

Today’s development updates

This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
By the way our server code is Open Source. You can help improving it here.

Block Logs now available for any user!

I have written an interface that allows any user to see the block logs on their Empire and Kingdom lots. It shows all and any changes to lots done by other users (not by the lot owner).

So if you want to know what others did on your lot, please just go on this page and check it yourself! You can find it also under the “information” menu. If you suspect someone of griefing, please check there first, then talk to the person in question and ask them to un-do the damage. If that does not help, please submit a ticket.

This log does not (yet) show kills and chest access. That will at a come later stage.

Today’s development updates

This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
By the way our server code is Open Source. You can help improving it here.