About uncovery

Owner & admin of this server.

Unc’s Shop Changes

I have just made the following changes to the infinite supply of items in my shop:

  • I have removed all the special stone bricks (mossy etc) since those are craftable now
  • I have removed podzol since that’s much more common now.
  • I have removed the saplings since people should go out and get them from the darklands.
  • I have added fox, donkey, llama, panda and ocelot eggs to the shop (FYI I did not add the polar bear since they can become aggressive without direct attacks)
  • I have added the enchanted golden apple

FYI: 1.16 upgrade

Please note that the following will happen once we upgrade to 1.16 (date yet unknown):

  • The nether will be reset (i.e. completely wiped and re-generated). This won’t affect anything except for items you have stored there.
  • The aether will be deleted (i.e. completely wiped and NOT re-generated). This won’t affect anything except for items you have stored there.

Until we find a new world generator (or Mojang makes one) that works fine as a replacement for the aether, we will have to do without one.

Update: FYI, Mojang is releasing daily new pre-releases now:

There is supposed to be a final release before the 26th. We will have to see if the spigot release will take a long time, but I would think this will be quick since they were able to work with the snapshots already.

Today’s development updates

This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes.
Our webserver is completely open source, hosted on GitHub. You can help improve the server by fixing issues here.

Donator bug fixed

Thanks to a note from Kidcodiwise, I found a bug in the system that kept donators longer at their donator status than intended. I originally made it so that a user’s donator level is being checked and downgraded (if applicable) when the user logs in. This would however keep users forever a donator in case they just never come back after being upgraded.

I now included that check in the lot reset process that runs every night, so your lot will reset properly if your donator status has expired. Tonight a couple of lots will reset accordingly.

Today’s development updates

This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes.
Our webserver is completely open source, hosted on GitHub. You can help improve the server by fixing issues here.

1.15.2 icons updated in the shop manager

I have worked in the past weeks on 2 things:

  • The update of this github repository: https://github.com/PrismarineJS/minecraft-data. It collects minecraft data into program-usable files. I have worked with the developer to add 1.15.2 data so that we know what blocks are exactly available in this version of the game.
  • I have improved the code that uses the resulting data and downloads the icons for all items/blocks from the Minecraft wiki and other resources. This means, that except for 3 bee-related items, we have the proper icons updated in the shop manager on the website now.

As a side note, I have also written code (https://github.com/PrismarineJS/minecraft-wiki-extractor/pull/27) that extracts all possible enchantments and their conflicts (e.g. you cannot have 2 protection enchantments on one item) from the minecraft wiki. I still need to integrate that code into this website, but that will eventually help us to hand out better randomly enchanted items through the lottery.

Fixes list

I am trying to assemble a list of things that need to be fixed here. Please help contributing if you see that something is broken:

  • Player heads need to be fixed on the website
  • Voting for users needs to be fixed
  • Aether world needs to be replaced
  • Properly phase out IRC chat
  • check on mob disguises for donators – the plugin went premium… need a new one.
  • check that stories work yes!

Server updated to 1.15.2

Minecraft released version 1.15.2 a couple of days ago, and today Spigot also released their server version, so I just updated our server as well. So please connect with the latest client.

Let me know if there are any issues.

1.15 active! But…

So we are now live on 1.15. The only issue that I ran into during the world upgrades is that the Aether world kept making problems. There are is a long list of chunks that are corrupt on many levels. I tried several times to fix this, but it seems that there are issues recurring continuously. So I had to remove it for minecraft to be able to finish the process.

My proposal would be that we drop the Aether as a world. If you feel that there are massive assets that you have in the Aether, please let me know. If nobody speaks up in the coming weeks, I will simply phase this world out and we stick to the existing worlds. Otherwise I can re-enable the world for a while so that you can get your stuff out and we would then remove it. Let me know.

Status update

So I am still upgrading the worlds. There are broken chunks (too many entities and other issues) that I need to fix when they pop up and each time require a restart. It won’t re-upgrade the chunks but simply iterating through 7 million for the End world takes a while.

So give me some more time and I hope it will be done soon.