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End reset fixed

So it turns out that the plugin which resets our end world does not completely wipe it. It seems that someone has been abusing this by building a base outside the reset radius that the plugin applies and maintaining farms there to make the dragon fight easier.

So I was forced now to install a manual end reset process that once a day wipes the world completely. Please do not exploit bugs in the game. If I catch someone doing this it’s an insta-ban.

Some photos from my last trip

When I was away the last 2 weeks, I went diving and saw some really cool stuff. Here are some of the highlight photos:


These are eagle rays. I have not seen them before so well. They are cool but have a really weird face


This is a porcelain crab. They live on the same anemone as the clown fish (above it). They have a fan-like thing that they open up and hold up in to the water (the two inside-pointing arms between the claws), then use smaller brushes (the smaller arms inside of that) to clean out whatever they caught.


Sting ray, this one was quite big (about a meter across)


Sail Fish. Never seen those before. They are huge (like 3 meters) and aparently one of the fastest fish. They have a extendable fin on the back, looks very cool.


Here you can see the face of the eagle ray. As I wrote above, very weird.


Green see turtle. They are stuck to the ground eating most of the time, it’s not so easy to get a photo of them against a blue background.



  • I just fixed the /who command. It now shows correctly all information for users which changed their usernames.
  • Nether Bricks and nether brick blocks are fixed in the shop and /search
  • quartz and quartz blocks are fixed in the shop and /search
  • Melon and melon slices are fixed in the shop and /search
  • Slime Blocks are fixed in the shop
  • We now update spigot daily. Since spigot does not work on a version-based release cycle anymore but rather just update the code daily, it makes sense to get that code daily. Previously I just downloaded a new version once a month, now this happens daily and the new version is activated with the daily restart.
  • Fixed an issue with Depot offers
  • Skulls are fixed in shop

What to do if you changed your minecraft username

This is just a quick draft between getting up and getting breakfast. I will convert this into a page later.

IMPORTANT: If you can, empty your inventories and Enderchests in all survival worlds before changing the username, otherwise there is a risk that the contents will be gone.

  1. If you changed your minecraft username, your uncovery website account does not change. Do not make a new account. Keep your old one and use the same username/password to log in. If you delete your account, all your comments and forum posts will be gone.
  2. Try to logon to the game. If that does not work, please be patient. It’s a waiting game with Mojang. They need to update all their systems to be aware about the change. Once they are done with that, you will be able to login to the game. Once that is done, our server here will make all the necessary changes to the system. Your userlogon and password for the website will stay the same, but your posts will be displayed as your new username automatically.

On vacation….

So FYI, I am on vacation. Since I had to cancel Christmas and New year as well as Chinese New year (Which is a major deal around here), I finally took the chance to go for 2 weeks on vacation, something that I do only every 2-3 years. I will still have some telephone calls on several days for business, but I am sure I will be able to relax a lot during this time.

What does this mean for the server? Not too much. If there is ANY problem or question, just email me as usual. My reply just might take a bit longer and you most likely won’t see me on IRC at all, and I most likely won’t be making any non-urgent fixes for the time.

So this whole post is more to tell you that I did not fall off the edge of the world in case you don’t see me in-game. Have fun minecrafting!

GMail Issue

GMail is currently blocking our emails. If you are registering a new account, please use an alternative email if possible. We are working to fix the issue.

[Update] I managed to resolve this a couple of days ago. [/Update]

Work in progress…

There are several things that I am working right now and others that I re-discovered as to-dos:

  • I have enabled the base process of lot resets. So every day all lots which are up for reset, will be processed as before. The completely re-written process seems to work fine. What is not running yet are lots that have dibs on them. I will work on this process on the coming days to make sure that the dibs process works properly.
  • Additional blocks in the lottery – I have made changes to the code that allow additional blocks in the lottery. If you want to see some of the newer blocks in the lottery, please comment below together with the category (See the lottery webpage).
  • Fixing blocks, sustainable: I have recurring issues of some blocks not properly working in the shop or deposit. I am trying to build a tool that iterates all the blocks in the system and checks if they are properly configured. This should make the whole thing future-proof when new blocks come out. It’s a bit tricky however.
  • Karma & Hunger games: Those two modules have been disabled some time ago and I need to work on them to re-enable them.

Getting out of the end

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!

So we used to have an end world that was connected to our main world, which is the city. However, the issue was, that despite the fact taht your inventory would be cleared, people could drop weapons etc from a creative world city through the portal into the end and then fight the dragon.

So I had to create an end world which is not connected through a standard End portal to the city. Instead it’s the same portal tech as used in the spawn house to get to the other worlds.

The result of this however is that you cannot get out of the end throug the standard portal either. In order for you to get your stuff out, I allowed people to deposit things in the end.

So next time you kill the dragon or want to get your stuff out of the end, simply deposit it and kill yourself.

Fixing the system for chaged usernames – Part 2

The biggest piece still missing here is the lot reset. Good news is that I made some significant advances here. That means I have a system running where all the annyoing code changes seem to be done. What I have to do now is to test the different scenarios under which a lot can be reset and what happens if someone put a reservation on it.

As a first step, I will reset those lots that can be reset without acting on reservations, those are the most frequent anyhow and the safest to do.

The whole lot reset process can only run when the server is down. And I need to run tests carefully so I do not need to restore lots from backups and lot ownerships on top of that. So this whole process might take a couple of days. But at least we can see some progress now. Sorry again for the delays. I really had hopes to do this faster. The main issue I had was first of all that now since I am a father, most of my free time at home is spent with the baby. And then, most surplus time in the office was eaten up recently with some urgent project.

While I will be travelling most of march, I hope that I can get some stuff done and that we can see a step by step normalization of the lot reset process.

Fixing the system for changed usernames – Part 1

I have identified an issue in the system coming from the changed usernames: When you are on the website, your username is actually your old username (the one you originally whitelisted with). I wrote code that makes the website display your current minecraft username instead when you post a comment for example.

The issue is that so far every time the website displayed your information, it looked for your original username in the database, not the current one. I went now through the code and tried to fix all the places where it does that.

That’s the first step in fixing the whole issue with changed usernames. Next up (provided that the above worked) is the lot reset. I did already substantial work for a new process to reset the lots. Nothing will change for the users, just the way the code works. I will need to test that however, otherwise I will spend a couple of days reloading stuff from backups :)

Server down temporarily [Update]

There seems to be some chunk issues that I could locate to a specific region of the server. I will try to reload that region from the backup. If that does not help, we might have to revert the whole server for almost a day.

Keep the fingers crossed.

Ok, so I centered the issue around HylandQuids lot. I reset the file around there and could login and teleport to the location, which previously crashed the server. Let’s hope it keeps up and I can go to bed…

Sorry for the delays

You most likely have realized that right now a couple of things are broken with the lots: The lot resets do not work, adding people to your lots and some other smaller things.
The issue is that I have been involved in a very important and urgent project at work that is sucking away a lot of my time and attention right now. On top of that, the issues described above are all non-trivial and require to go through a lot of code to fix them properly. So I am not sure when those will be fixed, it won’t take weeks, but I cannot give a certain date at this point.

So sorry, and thanks for your understanding!