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Cashflow the 2nd

Thanks all for commenting on the last post. This was really interesting and gave me some insights that I want to share here. I think the big learning here is that we want people to USE the money instead of just buying something with it (such as a lot) and then don’t do anything with it. The next learning is that I want to stay away from people buying things that affects everyone else too such as switching the weather, warps or similar stuff. These items should be otherwise extremely expensive since they really have a huge effect. The other topic is about who is rich and who is not. The cash is only one sign. you would have to add the purchase value of every kingdom lot and then what they bought from the market minus what they sold and on top of that all the diamonds etc they hoard in their chests. So a realistic picture here is very difficult to paint.

Let me group the different expenses one can have a bit:

  • Lots: If someone buys a lot, be it in the Kingdom, Empire or a new world, the issue is that they buy a space, but not necessarily do something with it. We see that currently in the kingdom. It’s not about the one person that has 5 street lots. It’s about every user that has one lot and does not build or even only mines there. It’s dead land that only causes admin efforts and server space. So we have to make sure that people buy this only because there is nothing else better to spend money for and because they really want to build something big and will do so.
  • Vanity goods ( = name titles, hats etc): This is something I like a LOT. Why? People can rent those. People can show off an achievement. If rented, the money is out of the system and people have a reason to vote again to get more. They use the money, it does not affect others and the economy or the game. I will most likely do those.
  • Services ( = /home etc): We could sell services that otherwise are not available such as /tppos. You could be taxed Uncs for every block that you are transported for example.
  • Virtual assets ( = lot members, homes etc): These would be charged only when set, so the impact is not really big.
  • Taxes: Everyone likes to avoid taxes as we know. People feel taxes are generally unjust, and it simply breeds behavior. So if I charge people on cash, they will just buy lots, and then we are back to square one. Same goes for a cap in cash. Unless we find a tax that makes people do something we really want them to do, I would avoid those. One interesting tax could be on the ownership of a kingdom lot. Not too much, but if you do not vote regularly for example, one should not be able to keep a main lot. The question is what to do if someone runs out of money when they go on holiday? Reset a whole city? Does not seem fair. It would require a complex system so people do not keep one without paying and not too quickly lose everything…
  • Consumables: The XP- market and other consumables can be interesting, but this is a sometimes a bit like “pay to win”. It can have very difficult dynamics, so I would have to think about how that can work and which blocks/items are good sellers. Player heads is one easy option here for example.
  • New consumables: Lottery tickets is definitely something we can do. I am also working on a new skyblock system as soon as the lot manager is finished that will encourage spending.


I have been thinking about how users spend their money on the server (Uncs, not real money). This has been an ongoing topic over time and we had several new mechanisms (the kingdom being one) where we tried to get people to spend their money.


If people do not spend their money, money has less value for everyone and the whole economy slows down over time. People do not offer things in the shops anymore and so on. Right now people buy mainly kingdom lots, but in the vast majority of the cases, people do not do anything with them.

So there are several ways in addition how we can make people spend money:

  • Make kingdom lots cost incremental: The first main lot costs 10k, the second 20k, 40k etc, always doubling.
  • Make people pay to use other features in the lot manager: adding 1 person? That’s 500 Unc. 2nd person: 1k, etc.
  • Selling lots that are only available for higher ranks at 10x the price of a kingdom lot, with progression
  • any other ideas?

I am not sure which of those to do or not to do. But think about it like this: If someone spend that much time on the server that he needs 30 people added to their lot, there should be people in that list being able to contribute some money for the privilege…


Nether portal arrays as ZombiePigman spawners

I have today massively reduced the natural spawning of ZombiePigmen that happens around Netherportals outside of the nether. The issue is that some players built huge arrays of them to spawn thousands of pigmen and harvest them in automated machinery. Now there is a by-lot maximum cap of 10 pigmen.

I disabled those for the same reason I disabled IronGolem and Villager farms. The simply allow you to automate things in the game that turn it into a creative-mode like system. While these spawning methods were initially meant for the single-player experience, users can get together and built far too effective systems that let you harvest too many goods in a too short time and often create heavy lag at the same time.

Nether portals for example cannot be switched on & off automatically, and an unattended system would spawn hundreds of mobs in one lot in a very short time. So I hope you all understand that I switch those off. I know it’s fun to build these automatons, specially the big ones. But they destroy the server economy and the survival gameplay.

Wither Arena changes

I have realized (with some hints from users) that despite the wither arena being smaller now and such, that it was still possible to kill several of them in very short time. So I placed 3 mob spawners into the arena: 1 Zombie, 1 Skeleton and 1 Zombie-Pigman spawner. I also placed 4 open lava- streams from the ceiling.

In the first test, this setup is already proven to be much more challenging. There is a clear need now for people to go in organized groups. I would like to get feedback from some people once someone managed to kill the wither. Currently there is one inside, unbeaten. I want it to be hard, but not impossible.

New wither arena!

Thanks to the help of sleepystrangekid, we now have a new and improved wither arena! It is much smaller now and hopefully more difficult! It can be reached just as the old one from the city by typing /warp witherarena

Work being done

I am currently working on a improvement of the system where exceptions in the code will generate an email sent to me. This allows me to react in an extreme case at the same time or even earlier than you realize that there is an issue.

On top of that, I am working on removing old code that was used to do the old lot application processes. This is a bit tricky since I have to make sure that nothing important is deleted. So it takes abit more time than just deleting a file.

On top of that, as you all know, I still have to activate the new lot reset process. I am quite busy right now and want to make sure it works properly and not delete someone’s stuff. I will hopefully be able to finish that this weekend.

New lot manager (almost) finished

I have now activated the new lot manager. If you are above Guest level, you should use that for any lot changes that you want to do. This includes lot resets and so on. At the same time, I have also re-done the code behind the settler test.

Unfortunately, this is a huge, complicated process. There are several different databases in the background being affected, from user rights over lot management and custom ones. There are dozens of places where the process can fail or unexpected things can happen. Please be so kind and help me debug this by NOT abusing errors. Whenever you use a function, please try to see if:

  • you can use only stuff that you are supposed to use. If you can suddenly get lots that you should not, get something for free that you should not etc, please report it!
  • you can use all the tools properly. If something fails, please report it!
  • check if new users have issues with the settler application. Unless they get a message that they answered the questions wrong, please tell them to be patient and to file a ticket.

Also, I have not enabled the actual resetting of lots yet. So if you chose to reset your lot, please be aware that your choice will be stored in the system but not executed yet. I want to make sure everything works fine before I need to undo lot resets….


Uncovery Logo competition Step 1: Ideas?

I was made aware by ktechwhiz that we did not have a server logo for the server list in the minecraft client that is possible now since 1.7.2.

That made me think that we do not have a real logo for the server at all. I thought it would be great if we had one, so here is the first step in the process to get one: Ideas.

We need ideas for the logo first. What should be in it? It should not be just text in my opinion. I am also not sure that my in-game face would be the best thing, since minecraft faces are already all over the place.

So please post your ideas below as comments! I will then list them all up and the one I like most will win something™!


Happy New Year and a great 2014!

Since it is now New Year in Hong Kong (where I am), I wanted to wish you all a happy new year and all the best for 2014!

I also wanted to thank you all for being such an awesome bunch of people! If you weren’t, I would have closed the server a long time ago! Thanks to all who help make this a better place, be it by helping others, organizing builds, donating, banning and of course having fun!

Today’s upgrades

Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:

  • Sleeping_Owl (from DesignerDonatorPlus to MasterDonatorPlus)
  • KennyKenz366 (from Citizen to Architect)

Congratz and thanks to all voters!

New ban command for Elders

In the spirit of the new /mod banrequest command I know also made a new command to ban players: /mod ban <player> <reason>. This command not only bans the player but also sends all logfile entries of the banned player in an email to myself. While I asked before every elder to send an email to me if they ban someone, this command does so automatically.

Going on a trip

I will be on a trip until the 13th of January. The time where I will be significantly off-line will be until January 1st. So please do not burn the server down, and report any serious issue that persists over 30 minutes to me. I can still come in and fix things, but there might be some hours delay until I get to a PC. I hope I will have some time to advance the lot manager. The issue is that all the code we have been writing over the last years has been developing into a kind of patchwork and while I have been doing the first things to clean it up, everything I do now for the lot manager makes me bump into more areas where I think that the code needs a cleanup.

So I hope you all have a good time over the holidays and have fun building! See you in the new year!

New lot manager coming!

I am currently working to revamp the complete lot reservation & reset system. We are moving to a much more integrated lot manager page. Here is what you will be able to do with the new system You will be able to…

  • abandon, move or reset flatlands lots
  • chose your new flatlands config from a set of different versions or move to empire.
  • abandon, move or reset skyblock lots
  • chose how your new skyblock is configured from a set of different versions.
  • abandon, move or reset 1.2.1 version empire lots
  • see and change members of all your lots
  • see and change snow-fall option in case you are donator
  • reset your aether lot (we will generate a version with 1.7.2 biomes soon)
  • abandon or transfer kingdom lots
  • register to new lots in all worlds

That means that the current lot reset page will disappear along with the lot reservation pages under the “access” tab. However, for the coming couple of weeks, further lot resets will be suspended. Since I am on holiday for some time, I do not want to run an automated system that resets lots when I am not around. the risk of something going wrong is too high.