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Today’s development updates
This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
By the way our server code is Open Source. You can help improving it here.
- Issues Updated:
- Issue No. 115, Cast find queries to lowercase
- Issue No. 114, Add pagination to item search results that return too many items
- Issue No. 71, Could not identify Packed_ice umc_goods_get_text ( bug Priority 1 )
- Issue No. 59, Faulty item_names ( bug Priority 1 )
Today’s development updates
This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
By the way our server code is Open Source. You can help improving it here.
- Issues Updated:
- Issue No. 115, Cast find queries to lowercase
- Issue No. 114, Add pagination to item search results that return too many items
- Issue No. 109, Door & button etc usage on lots ( bug )
- Issues Closed:
- Issue No. 113, Searching with large results in the shop crashes the client ( bug )
- Issue No. 104, Add a graphical footer to the website ( enhancement )
- Issue No. 95, Add spawn eggs back to the shop ( enhancement )
- Issues Opened:
- Issue No. 112, buyxp command removes levels at higher levels. ( bug )
Today’s development updates
This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
By the way our server code is Open Source. You can help improving it here.
- Issues Updated:
- Issue No. 109, Door & button etc usage on lots ( bug )
- Issue No. 95, Add spawn eggs back to the shop ( enhancement )
- Issues Closed:
- Issue No. 104, Add a graphical footer to the website ( enhancement )
Fr33kickz’ Uncovery Empire Lot Tour Vol 2.
Today’s upgrades: sepengo
Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:
- sepengo (from CitizenDonatorPlus to ArchitectDonatorPlus)
Congratz and thanks to all voters!
Multi-accounting – the big plan
I wanted to give an overview on how I plan to transition from Multi-accounting to Single-account users:
We will first implement systems that allow you to pay Uncs for whatever you could so far get only with multiple accounts. That would be homes, deposit slots and lots in Empire and Flatlands etc. There will be a mechanism to move items from your secondary accounts to your primary account for the lots.
Once all is in place, we will give some time for people to consolidate all their stuff on their main account. Then we will officially disallow secondary accounts. Everything will be announced in time and we will make sure that nobody loses stuff because of lack of information.
Today’s development updates
This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
By the way our server code is Open Source. You can help improving it here.
- Issues Opened:
- Issue No. 110, “Today’s development updates” repeats two times
Homes for sale (discussion)
So It seems that everyone feels good about the proposal to have the individual privileges (like homes) for sale.
My current proposal is to cap them per userlevel. Since people now will have to pay for each home, I would suggest to raise the new cap from the existing one slightly.
I played around with some formulas to price the homes. I do not want them to be too cheap or the price going up too steep.
So I currently propose a base price of 10 and ramp up the price cubically (^3) per number of homes. So the Formula is Cost = ((# of homes) ^ 3) x 10 Uncs
So the first one is 10 uncs, the second one is 80,
3rd = 270,
4th = 640,
5th = 1’250,.
6th is 2’160 and so on.
The tenth home is 10’000 Uncs.
I think this sounds to me like a good progression where people will have to have spent some time and money on the homes and cannot get them just easily, but they also do not seem that extremely far away.
One would also be able to sell a home, but let’s say for only 50% of the purchase value (sorry but I do not really want to get your used and probably messy homes back). Jokes aside, homes will get expensive on the higher count and people will have to think before they buy. But let’s say you planned a project in the kingdom and bought a home for that and then you change your mind, the money should not be lost 100%.
The current progression & new proposal for maximum number of homes is:
- Guest: 1 (remains 1)
- Settler: 4 (new 6)
- Citizen: 4 (new 8)
- Architect: 5 (new 10)
- Designer: 6 (new 15)
- Master: 7 (new 20)
- Elder: 8 (new 50)
Today’s upgrades: jdalek_531, sdc1992
Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:
- jdalek_531 (from Citizen to Architect)
- sdc1992 (from Citizen to Architect)
Congratz and thanks to all voters!
Multi-accounting & high-level gaming
I have had more and more complaints and issues regarding users having several minecraft accounts to play on this server. Those are of various types, be it that people used it to circumvent bans, to get more money through multiple voting, to get more lots any other privilege that is limited to a single user but that can be increased by having several accounts.
I so far tolerated that because it was originally not huge issue, but in the mast months I had to either intervene or counsel other users on how to deal with these issues. People saw this as unfair advantage for users being able to afford several accounts.
I also do not have a clear policy about this so far. I prevented people from getting their secondary accounts being ranked up in user votes, but I never prevented anyone from using secondary accounts from doing anything else (which is a bit contradictory, what’s the difference between someone having 2 Architect or 4 Settler accounts?). I even recommended some people to get a secondary account if they felt that a ban was unjustified. I was not able to check which accounts are from the same person and jerks would be jerks and just get banned again if they have not learned their lesson.
The issue with banned users however was always only a marginal one. For the rest of this discussion, I will ignore this therefore.
The main issue is that people, once they play a lot, feel that the game rules limits them. How fast they can get money, how many homes they can have, how many lots they can have and so on.
The problem here is that the current setup of the server is linear and limited. With every increase in level, you get a certain amount of privileges, and once you are elder, that’s that. Except for additional Kingdom lots that you can buy, you are locked in.
So in general, I do not like people having more than one account. I rather setup the server in a way that this is not needed anymore. One way for that is to make resources and privileges for sale (with Uncs). You might for example buy home slots instead of getting them ONLY through user levels. (Your user level might limit how many you can buy instead). Voting might get you more money if you are a higher level. You might be able to buy empire lots even. (It’s not that we do not have the space). But then, every additional lot should also cost more. Se there might be a price multiplier for every additional lot, home, deposit slot etc you want want to buy
This would only work if we actually limit every user to one, single client account. And yes, I still cannot check 100% if a user is using multiple accounts. But on the other hand, if there is a doubt that someone is using several accounts, I can still force them to prove to me that they are actually different people unless they would be banned.
So this is up for discussion. It would take some time to implement and balance this, but I would see this as a valid alternative to make sure that people do not spend real life money for accounts in order to get themselves an advantage on the server over people who do not have the cash,
Comments & feedback welcome.
Today’s development updates
This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
By the way our server code is Open Source. You can help improving it here.
- Issues Opened:
- Issue No. 109, Door & button etc usage on lots ( bug )
- Issues Closed:
- Issue No. 77, E_NOTICE: Undefined variable: newstatus ( bug )
- Issue No. 2, Userlevel update issue with proper capitalization ( bug )
Villager Eggs are back in store!
As the title says.
Server Status & how to get your homes back
So I figured out that while the servers disks were full, the minecraft server could not write config files to the disk. This is a major problem since a lot of plugins only load a config file when it’s needed (let’s say when the server starts or a user /home when the user joines the server) and then writes it back to the file once the server shuts down or the user leaves the server. Some plugins ALWAYS load the file on startup and ALWAYS write it back to the disk, even if the file was not changed during that time.
So if it cannot write the file back to the disk because there is no space, it will simply write an empty file to disk. That means that the information is lost, /homes are gone or the whole plugin config is wiped.
That caused the IRC system to fail the chat colors to be reset and those users who have been online during the issues had their /homes reset.
I think I was now able to restore all of the plugin settings, but I will not go and restore all the user settings like homes. This is because there are tens of thousands of them and it’s a major hassle to find out which are the right and which are the wrong ones, specially if the user has logged in since the issue and a generally valid /homes config has been generated since.
So I will restore homes by request now. If you are affected by missing homes, you will have this week a chance to get them restored. After that, you will have to recreate them.
So if you KNOW that your homes are not working (please test that first!) and want to have your homes reset to what they were before the 2nd of January, please post your UUID (do a /who on yourself) as a comment here, and I will restore them for you.
If there is anything else not working, please let me know ASAP.
Today’s upgrades: jakegames
Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:
- jakegames (from Citizen to Architect)
Congratz and thanks to all voters!
Server back up, some smaller stuff still missing
So there are some files that got corrupted during the outage and I will have to restore those. I managed to restore the whitelist from the last backup, but it seems more stuff is missing, such as homes or even more. I am sitting in a car now and cannot fix those. Please post here as a comment if anything is missing and then I will try to restore it once I am back home.
Server back up!
The server will be down for the next 24+ hours.
We ran out of disk space some hours ago and while it was easy to free up some space, I was not able to start the server again. On top of that, I am sitting in a hotel with a very bad internet connection and about to leave for the airport to go back home. So I do not have time to try to find and fix the issue.
I will be back home in about 18 hours but then it’s midnight. So I will be able to get the server back up tomorrow but today it just won’t happen.
Sorry about that!
I managed to find the issue in the last second, all back to normal.
Today’s upgrades: jensenisbatman
Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:
- jensenisbatman (from CitizenDonatorPlus to ArchitectDonatorPlus)
Congratz and thanks to all voters!
Today’s upgrades: greywolf182
Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:
- greywolf182 (from CitizenDonatorPlus to ArchitectDonatorPlus)
Congratz and thanks to all voters!
Today’s development updates
This is a daily update on the status of the work done behind the scenes. You can see the complete status here.
By the way our server code is Open Source. You can help improving it here.
- Issues Closed:
- Issue No. 105, Password resets in-game should use the URL instead of entering a password directly. ( code upgrade )