Welcome, stranger!

Please feel free to look around! In order to start building with us, please whitelist yourself. To know more about how to join us, please continue here.
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If you want to see what awaits you inside, watch our trailer!

Development status page 95% done!

The page where you can follow the development status is now 90% done!

You can see now the open and closed issues as well as any comments to the issues. I hope this will bring more transparency to what we are working on.

What still needs to be done there is some more styling to make it look better and possibly also a list of all the code changes so you can see if the development is currently active or not.

Server Update

So I just updated all server packages (not the minecraft server, rather the operating system etc) and rebooted the server in preparation for the leap-second. There is a certain small chance that a server crashes while the leap second happens. It’s advisable to restart the server manually before that to see if something else would prevent the server from booting up properly. Normally servers like the one we are using is running for months without being rebooted, so it can happen that something sneaks in preventing it from starting properly.

So now that the server seems to be running properly, we can wait for the leap second and hope that everything runs well. There is no risk that something gets damaged, just that the server might freeze and requires a reboot.

Deathlands reset

Please note that the deathlands reset is not working yet, and I don’t have a lot of timethis week to fix it.

So please stand by until this is done. Until then the commitment score will reset every 7 days but the world won’t.

Reminder on mods/maps/tools

Since we have another PVP world now, I wanted to remind everyone about the rules:

If you have any kind of tool installed that gives you an advantage in the game, it’s not allowed.

This includes any kind of tool or map that allows you to see other players in PVP, see ores, caves or helps you fight is forbidden. Stick to the rules. Remember we ban, but never unban.

Development Status now visible on the website

I have created an automatically updated list of all the code issues (bugs etc) that are currently known.I hope this will create clarity on which bugs are known and what is being worked on.

Some of these are maybe a bit technical specially the “code enhancement” tagged ones. You can access that list through the Features menu under the “Development Status” tab.

I will expand this function. The goal is that you will be able to click on an item and see the details as well as get a bit of an idea how much work is being done in the background.

Hardcore exit at spawn now possible

You can now type /hardcore exit at the spawn area (100 blocks away form the center) and it will teleport you to spawn. You can then enter the deathlands again with /hardcore start.

If you die and therefore exit the deathlands that way, you cannot go in until the next reset.

I also reset all users that did not have committed blocks yet, so they can try again.

Options for “pausing” a hardcore game

I fully understand that people would want to be able to pause a hardcore game and I would like to enable it. The question is how. There are issues of practicability and also of effort required to do it. So here are the options:

  1. You can exit the deathlands when you are in the spawn-area. There would not be a portal (since I cannot rebuild it every week) but a command that checks where you are. Effort: Small. Practicability: Limited. You would have to come back to the center each time.
  2. You can exit the deathlands wherever, by command. When you re-enter, it will teleport you back to the place you were. Effort: I am not even sure it’s possible. There is a risk that it would teleport you always to the surface. I can try surely and see how it works. Also, this version would require to check for your health. I don’t want people to bail on a fight. Practicability: 100% – if possible.

So what I will do now is to implement version 1) since version 2) would require 1) to be in place anyhow (i.e. a command). Let’s see how that works and then see if version 2) is needed and possible.

Introducing: Hardcore Game!

I just finished the first version of a new game on the server. Thanks to stephdeg for the proposal!

Hardcore Game!

What does it do?

  • You play minecraft – as vanilla as it gets – and try to survive as long as possible.
  • You are in a separate world (deathlands) and cannot take anything back to the empire etc. This is about survival, not building.
  • You cannot leave the world once entered. You can log off the server and log back on, but the only way out is to die.
  • PVP is on, except for a 200×200 square at spawn.
  • If you die, you are out, and cannot go back until game restart.
  • One game lasts a week. At a certain day of the week, the map is deleted, your inventory is gone, your score is reset.
  • You make points by committing diamond blocks. One diamond block is worth 100 points. If you commit a block, it’s gone and you get the score credited.
  • The person with the highest score at the end of the week wins the round.

What will come?

  • We can decide on more blocks that can be committed – and their value.
  • This is a test to see everything is as expected. Once we confirm, we set a day of the week for the reset.
  • A web interface for score tracking

How do you do it?

  • Warp to the new world with /hardcore start
  • Get the current score with /hardcore score
  • Commit a diamond block with /hardcore commit while holding a diamond block
    ATTENTION: This will take ALL diamond blocks out of your inventory!

What can you do?

  • Try it, and tell me if everything works
  • Make proposals for improvements

Video Contest!

Welcome to the Uncovery Minecraft Video Contest!


  1. The video must be uploaded AFTER the 10th of June 2015
  2. The person with the most upvotes on their video wins. Downvotes on the videos are ignored.
  3. The video has to be 100% made out of content from Uncovery Minecraft
  4. The video must include a link in the description to the page
    http://uncovery.me/server-access/whitelist/ and contain the term “Uncovery Minecraft” in the title.
  5. There will be judging on 2 categories: Newbies and non-newbies. Newbies cannot have any other videos on their account, non-newbies can.
  6. The video must be at least 90 seconds long
  7. The video can be a trailer, a “let’s play” or anything else.
  8. The video content cannot violate rules that also apply to the server (be offensive etc)
  9. Everyone can submit as many videos as they like, votes are counted per user across all submitted videos.
  10. Every user that submits a video that fulfills the above conditions will receive 5000 Uncs as a reward, provided they are still active users (= have a lot) when the contest closes. This is once per user, not per submitted video.
  11. Submission deadline is 10th of August. Votes per video will be counted on that day.
  12. All discussion, questions and submissions will take place in the forum.
  13. Any kind of texture pack, shader etc is allowed
  14. Annoying users to participate in your videos is NOT allowed.

We recommend you to use Bandicam since it’s free for 10 minute videos. If you want to do something longer, you can split it into several files. You can use any other software of course.

Here are some helpful tutorials you should take a look at before participating:

Moving to GitHub…

So I moved the whole site code on to a GitHub repository. Not a public one (yet), but still.

What I started first is to put all the error messages that I receive from the server as issues so that I can start working on them more efficiently.

Next, I want to allow people to collaborate on a more informal base. If people want to take a look at the code, please feel free to ask me and I will add you to the repository. You need to have at least Citizen Status though.

I might make the whole thing public one day, who knows?