Darklands update

The darklands have now their border removed and are not backed up anymore. So you are free to roam and to explore. Please wait with massive investments into lots here since it is not certain yet how lots will work in the future there.

Teleporting is now also removed there, and removed all the homes in the darklands. They now point to the same location in the empire.

Old world deleted

I now finally deleted the old world. Next steps will be to setup a kingdom as discussed many times before. Once that is done, I will remove the borders from the darklands and switch off backup there, so we have an unlimited mining world.

Item limit per chunk

The nolagg plugin had a std. setting that limited items to 80 per chunk. I increased that now to 200. So if you have a farm, it will most likely output max 200 items per harvest. I hope this is enough. You can add another button that does the rest and harvest it in section.

Regarding changes to the spawn area

I would like to ask all masters & elders not to change the spawn areas anymore. There are several issues that happened recently:

  • someone redecorated the story house. This is an issue since one of the stories said “look out the right window”. The window is gone now. The lower floor that was built instead will never be used and is only a gadget hardly anyone sees. While the house looks nice, it has lost functionality and adds confusion to new users
  • someone added about 10 signs to the golden “lessons” building, about 5 of them said “read the website” in different wordings, and other instructions, help etc. FYI, there is a FAQ entry that we do not want to have signs with instructions how the server works in spawn for a good reason.
  • Someone added about 6 signs that point to the portal house to spawn. It makes it look terrible. If the portal house is that hard to find, we need to change the system instead of making the spawn look like crap.

If you think there is a chance to improve how new users experience the server or how the immediate spawn area looks like, contribute at the issue tracker instead of running around plastering everything with signs. If you are too lazy to contribute through the issue tracker, then rather leave stuff as it is. In the end it is me who has to fix stuff again otherwise.

Shop now warns for invalid items!

There are many items that are existing in game, but which you cannot obtain in survival mode, such as a fire block. There are other items such as nether warts which have a block (115 in this example) and an item (372) that have a similar name, but only the item is available. The block is marked red in the wiki’s item list. Until now, if you searched for netherwart in the shop, it would show you item 115, but if you tried to buy it, it would not have any sellers. However, plenty of 372 are in the shop.

To stop this confusion, the shop now will warn you if you try to /find or /search for an unavailable block. It will also tell you if you put up a purchase request for one of these.

Word of advice regarding griefing

I heard now several times that people were griefed by using switches to start harvesting mechanisms or luring away animals though open doors. The only way to stop that, would be to enable users to disable switches, as we do it in towny. There is an issue with that however:

In the empire, 100% of the area is covered by lots. Many of the lots have large builds or even walls. Most of the doors now are iron to keep the creepers out. If we allow blocking of switch-use, we run the risk that new users have to take massive detours to reach their lot due to closed doors.

Since the griefing is only occasional, I would recommend instead that you remove the switches and buttons that allow access to your most important assets and place them only when you use them once you see that you are a victim of griefing.

If we see that this is a more widespread issue, we can think also about alternative methods. At the same time I will see if we use a monitoring plugin so we can ban those users right away.

New Announcement channel!

We have a new announcement channel! inQuish was kind enough to whip up a small plugin that lets our website backend and other services talk into a special channel on the server. Everyone automatically joins this channel, you cannot speak in it, and you cannot escape leave it… All stuff like the website updates and the restarts etc will be in this channel. The channel will also be broadcast to the IRC chat as soon as I figure out how to do that properly.

2000 registered users!

We now have reached 2000 registered users! That means that 0.033% of all registered minecraft players have been on the server – if that means anything at all. It also means that in average we have 3 users per day registering on the website since it exists!

Well, whatever this means, I am happy about it and we hopefully can see this server grow even faster in the future!

New header images

I created a set of 12 new header images. As you can see, there is a frame set and a changing picture/logo combination. I hope you all like it. I am always happy to get new proposals of things to be included, mostly only things from the city though.

General proposals on how to make the website more unique without going all the way to the standardized minecraft look of so many other websites like the wiki would be great.

Updates to Shop and Deposit

After reviewing the feedback from the recent survey regarding the shop, we’ve made some small changes to hopefully make it work better for everyone.

  • /find, /list, and /cancel will now assume “offer” if you don’t specify request or offer. So /find cobblestone will work again.
  • /offer can now take an optional “silent” argument anywhere to suppress the sales announcements, so you can avoid spamming when posting large quantities to the shop. For example: /offer 5 silent will post all of the item in your hand at a price of 5 and will not generate any announcement.
  • /withdraw all can now be used to withdraw everything from the deposit. It will stop if it runs out of room in your inventory.
  • /withdraw @sender can now be used to withdraw everything from a particular sender, for example my personal favorite:
    /withdraw @lottery

There were also some small changes to the help and error messages:

  • /sell now reminds you that you might mean /offer instead when you don’t give a shop-id.
  • All messages now omit /ws from the command syntax, except for /ws help where it is always required. Every other command can be written without /ws (though you can write it if you wish), and it’s shorter and clearer to write it that way.

Of course, please report any problems with the shop system that may arise. Thanks!

Shop issues?

It was reported that the shop might not be working properly in some instances, specially when handing over items to you – but still working fine in most cases. We currently could not reproduce this reliably to identify issues. One thing that might be an issue is the fact that the lottery might hand out items with impossible enchantments that are then irretrievable.

Please help solving this with the following: If you see anything that is working not as expected, please check if there is any error message visible. If so, send a screenshot. If it is something you can try again, (like selling something and you did not loose items) then try again. If it happens again, or if it is something that you cannot reproduce (like you tried to buy something, items were not received, but the offer is not there anymore), then please post a report here immediately. We need to know from whom, at what time you tried to buy how much of what and what exactly happened.

If we do not get this information it is very hard to fix things. So any information you have is very helpful to get a result here.

Server updates

The server is now running on a new DNS & IP address successfully. I also made all the changes at the server lists etc. Also all contents of the website have been updated.
I also made some changes to the way the different parts of the page access the database. There might be still a couple of glitches. If you find something does not work, please tell me ASAP.

Server Address change

I will move the server to the domain uncovery.me this weekend. If you cannot connect, please try the new address. The move should take only a couple of minutes. The website and the minecraft server should then both run on that domain name. So there will be no more confusion between uncovery.net and minecraft.uncovery.net.

Warping in stories now possible!

I enabled now a field that lets you warp places in a story. Specifically, it lets you warp to one of the /warp points. The nice thing is that I can create warp points for you that are otherwise not visible in the /warp list. To prevent abuse, I made it so you cannot warp to one of the pre-made warp points, only to one that I created for you. To achieve this, all warp names have to start with “story_”. Talk to me if you want to have a warp point for your story. Also, this works only in the city – since it’s a story tool, not a taxi service.

See the story admin for details.

Flatlands Users, please read!

After much discussion has been done in various places, I came to the following conclusion:

In order to allow flatlands users to rank up & be recognized for their work, we will start contests exclusively for the flatlands. Winners of the contests however will NOT immediately recieve a level upgrade like the survival players since there is MUCH less work in creative builds than in survival builds. We will create a ladder system where someone has to win a set of contests (2+) to get a level upgrade.

The builds from the creative contests will be copied to a different part of the city so users know if things have been built creative or survival and creative builds will not make survival builds look worse.

However, this requires that we keep up the same standards of living for the flatlands as for the empire and other places. This has as it’s main consequence that pixelart is now not anymore tolerated in the flatlands.

So all flatlands users, you have until 10th of June to remove all your pixels art, writing etc!