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Post History: Rickard2010
I still don't know how to get to the new port on the server... I am missing out.
Sent from t …In: Kings of 1.5
12 years ago
I have noticed that the darklands spawn has begun to become broken, I have been going into the darkl …In: A Darklands Cleanup
12 years ago
Sweet sweet, ill set a request for them shouldn't need to much, building it in creative on my c …In: Secret Project
12 years ago
Hey everybody,
I am looking to do a secret project that i am pretty sure everyone will enjoy(once …In: Secret Project
12 years ago
I love this idea and i wouldnt mind making a road going through my plot if it helps people get to th …In: Collaborative Roadmaking
12 years ago
Welcome Mc-Crinkle!
First off there is an iPhone app called minecraft explorer that has all of the …In: MC_Crinkle's Introduction
12 years ago
Possibly, the manor was over like a 100x150 lot and it would take alot of wood and everything but no …In: Rickard2010
12 years ago
Hey guys it's rickard2010, i started playing on this server about 3-4 days ago and i really lik …In: Rickard2010
12 years ago
11 years ago
12 years ago
I read that post multiple times and not in there once is there a suggestion, I only saw bits of you …In: Suggestions for Uncovery
12 years ago
I agree with kiddy!!!
I will admit I use …In: Friendly Reminder
12 years ago
12 years ago
I have found it, at9;22 Eastern standard time on saturday march 23 at coords x:-1597, y:219,z:-617, …In: A Beacon Hunt!
12 years ago
That seems like it would use too much space. Good idea, limited contest space. Plus the rendering is …In: A contest idea!
12 years ago
Um any auto script I would believe is cheating. I wouldn't try it.
Sent from that apple thin …In: Is small autohotkey scripts cheating?
12 years ago
if you need to get a screenshot just hit F2, for future reference.In: codemonkey420 griefing in darklands
12 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
12 years ago
The local doughnut shop to grab a hot circle of bread. he called it jeffy.....In: Did someone say...Story thread? :D
12 years ago
Clearly I am on tapatalk and have a under tag line as "sent from the apple thingy"
Sent …In: Can't get on server
12 years ago
Chill out, unc is testing out 1.5 configs to see if we can run a 1.5 updated map so we won't be …In: Can't get on server
12 years ago
Hey everyone I am not going to be on the server until at earliest Tuesday. Reasoning is my laptop de …In: A little Delay, geekyness inside!!
12 years ago¤t=IMG_01271.jpg#!oZZ1QQc …In: The Car i was Talking about
12 years ago
This is the car i was talking about, for being in ohio and at 108,xxx i should have taken …In: The Car i was Talking about
12 years ago
12 years ago
If unc wants to try it he would have to make sure it would play well with our other plugins.In: Movie night?
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
12 years ago
Having a custom ore generation mod would ruin the game. It would take some of the fun that is I. The …In: Custom Ore Generation mod?
12 years ago
Scarovese- put it in as a ticket to keep uncovery remembering it.
So far I love the tapatalk on he …In: 2 possible plugins?
12 years ago
I was wondering if tere is any way to look into 2 possible plug ins, first would be website wise and …In: 2 possible plugins?
12 years ago
It might just be that the server didnt recognize you as logged off, sometimes the servers take a min …In: Double Me?
11 years ago
11 years ago
It's possible all the many small items that they added in in 1.5( droppers hoppers day light se …In: connection lost
12 years ago
Well maybe we should just stick to the 1.4.7 instead of keeping a temp 1.5.1 because maybe running 2 …In: connection lost
12 years ago
12 years ago
It is kind of your own fault on picking flatlands. That's why I have noticed alot of flatlands …In: Flatlands Users Nowhere to store DL mats
12 years ago
I don't repair them for the enchantment, I lose the enchantment when I repair. I don't min …In: Glitchy anvils
12 years ago