Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:
- Sleeping_Owl (from MasterDonatorPlus to ElderDonatorPlus)
Congratz and thanks to all voters!
Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:
Congratz and thanks to all voters!
The Shop is open again, sorry for the long(-ish) downtime. I hope everything works. If you can help me and test the various functions with small transactions, it would be good.
I have removed various commands such as trends and so on since those will be in the near future on the Shop Manager page.
I got stuck in the Shop update and needed to do something different for a moment. It’s quite complicated and stretches through the whole code so I had to take a break.
So I upgraded the mail function to UUID and finished the web frontend to get my mind on something can now see all your mails on the website and write new ones, delete, reply etc.
The biggest new function however is that you can now have alerts sent to your email address. If you have those switched on, every new in-game mail will be sent to your email address. You cannot reply through email of course since we do no disclose other user’s emails. But you can click on a link in the notification to see the email on the website and reply there. I wanted to finish that since quite a while and now finally it’s done!
Expect the shop to be finished within tomorrow.
I have upgraded and re-activated Tapatalk which allows you to use our forum from a mobile device. It’s a free app for users, we paid to make it available on the server, so please use it!
I have now upgraded the Deposit to UUIDs. It’s not as complicated, but the Shop is a different animal, so it’s still under construction. I want to make sure that I don’t have a mistake somewhere that makes someone lose they marbles blocks.
Bukkit is a server project that converts the vanilla minecraft server into something that can use plugins. It’s the main base for many minecraft serves and for all the plugins we are using. Spigot is a derivative of Bukkit built for higher performance. We used to run Bukkit for a long time and switched to Spigot some months ago since it’s better for lag prevention.
While Bukkit was taken over by Mojang quite some time ago, Spigot was not. Both projects distribute the server code with it. Since Spigot does not have the right to do so, they are violating Minecraft copyright. The worst part of it is that BOTH are distributed as an open source project. And there Minecraft defintely never gave the license to do so. I also assume that since the website Bukkit and it’s plugins are hosted on is a part of the Curse network is another issue, since Curse is making money with ads on the Bukkit pages and therefore essentially profiting from this copyright violation, too.
IANAL (I am not a lawyer) but my take is the following: Bukkit belongs to Mojang. They bought it back in the day when they hired the Bukkit developers. The people who have been distributing Bukkit over the last months however do not work for Mojang. Spigot has been taking that work and distributed it again. With the fact that Mojang included the new EULA since the last version already, and now will start do develop the Bukkit code themselves, they want to stop any further other outside parties to infringe on their rights. They are making a clear cut with version 1.8 and want to take the server software from this version under their own control, and they very much have the right to do so.
The Spigot admins said they want to get a lawyer, but the only thing the lawer will tell them is to shut down their site and be happy they do not get sued for damages.
Personally, I fully support Mojang in this, in the hope that the release of Bukkit for 1.8 – which they said they would make – does not take ages to release.
Why do I support them?
The main reason we have issues to attract users is that other server which charge 160 USD for people to get a userlevel on the server pump that money into marketing, and server lists auction off the top spots on their lists for thousands of USD. It’s money for nothing and an economy built on copyright violations that thrives from teenagers stealign their mom’s credit card in order to boost their egos on servers that host 2000 people – all built on copyright and license violations.
And this is also the main reason why we are behind in donations. Because many people who would be able and willing to give money, rather give it to servers where they can buy themselves whatever their equivalent for Elder level is.
We can continue running 1.7.10 until Bukkit will be released for 1.8. Depending on how long that takes, we can make intermediate decisions. However, there is still a HUGE amount of work to be done from my side to make the server ready for 1.8. For example, the whole lot management still does not run on UUIDs since the Worldguard version that would support this is not released yet.
There is now a limit of 20 repeats on the quiz-section of the Settler application. After 10 tries the page will notify the user that they will get banned if they try too often, without saying when the ban will actually take place. They are then barred from taking the test again and from entering the server.
I had now a counter running for some time to see how often people fail a certain section of the application process and we had now 100 people start the quiz. 23 of the 100 needed more than the limit and 5 did more than 50 tries. Around 10 tries is the average number of tries people do, but heavily outweighed by the people who do so many tries.
So I think to ban someone after 20 tries is justified, since they obviously did not read the website but just try to click random stuff and brute-force themselves through the application.
Please be aware that we will not be upgrading to minecraft 1.8 until we are ready to do so. You will be only able to connect to our server with MC version 1.7.10. If you upgraded, here is an instruction on how to downgrade. Further questions on the upgrade of our server are answered here.
[Update]I have tested 1.8 now and can confirm that the land generation system in 1.8 is identical to 1.7 (as announced). So there will be no benefit in regenerating the Darklands, and we will keep it as-is.[/Update]
Ok, so here is the current situation with the hunger games:
We are now using the same world over and over, but place the game area randomly. The system checks before starting the game where older games were and makes sure not to use the same area twice. We have an area of 360’0000 square kilometers (360’000’000 blocks) and since a game for 2 players only takes 70×70 blocks, it should take a while until we exhausted the space. There is an issue of course were the game might start in an ocean, but you can just stop and start a new one of you don’t like that.
What works and what does not work?
So please continue to try it out and report here if anything goes wrong!
Hunger games are now open for testing! There are no trophies to be claimed yet, and there are no leaderboards, either.
Please try out and report any issues to me. Thanks!
I discovered that it was impossible to delete mails. Nobody reported that, so it went unnoticed. I just fixed that. Also, I disabled people sending in-game mails to me since I read them to rarely. People should rather send me tickets. I will work on the mail system in the future so people can get notification via email when they get an in-game mail and so that emails can me managed on the website, but until this is the case, it will stay as it is.
Since being Elder is not only a privilege but also comes with some obligations, I will now start enforcing these obligations.
The issue is that we have people who are proposed for Elder level, and 100% of all active Elders have to vote on them for the vote to be successful. We even send an email to all active Elders to remind them whenever there is a user proposed for Elder status. Unfortunately, some Elders do not want to stop by and Vote. They only show up every two months or so to keep their lots active.
In the future, whenever an Elder fails to vote for a proposed Master within the 2 months of the voting, we will simply reset the lots of the Elder. I will send out a note to the Elders in question to make sure they are aware of this.
Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:
Congratz and thanks to all voters!
I got an update for the 3D map and I am regenerating the worlds again right now. Please stand by until this is finished.
I have seen this forum post and so I have installed a sphere generator on the website here. If you guys have ideas for other similar tools, please let me know.
As you know, we have been using the blog for whitelisting for quite some time. With the changing username, there are 2 issues coming up:
to identify users, I already store the new UUID in the wordpress table, so I can link a website user to their minecraft persona, no matter if the username in the game changes.
So to fix point 1., I have to make sure that the username shown in the blog stays updated to whatever your in-game username is. The good thing is that there is a so-called “Nickname” on everyone’s profile. If I manage to prevent users from manually changing it, I can update it to always show the username that the minecraft profile has.
To fix point 2. I have to either allow users to register with ANY username and ask them for their current minecraft username and store that one along with their UUID for identification, or I have to set their username on the website to their UUID. Since it would be quite annoying to register and login with the UUID since nobody remembers that 36-digit code, I would have to change the login and registration pages to ask the users for their current minecraft username and lookup the UUID with the code to fill their login-form automatically. While this is cleaner, it also seems more complicated.
The good thing is that the solution for point 1. has to be done in both cases to solve 2., so if I fix that one, it would a good step ahead to solve the issue. This is why I asked the question here, and hope to get an answer soon. To all those who currently set a custom nickname on the website, sorry but that will go away.
This is developing fast. Updates are underlined.
Please read this here. Essentially it means that the platform on which our server is running, will not be developed further by the original team. What does this mean?
The only valid option for us to work with future versions of Minecraft are the following:
The main problem finally is that the biggest features that make this server run are the lots and the custom code that we have on the server. Without the protected lots and the work that I put into the system the server basically boils down to a vanilla minecraft server where the only protection that we have against idiots would be a tough whitelist test – all using a manual whitelist approval instead being able to automate stuff.
What will I do?
Well I will keep the server up and running as long as possible. I put 3 years of work into it and will not just drop it like a hot potato. But I will slow down/stop the work on preparing for 1.8 for the time being until I have a reason to believe that there will be actually a possibility to ever get this version.
Seing the mojang team will take this over, there is a high chance that this will continue. The question is if this will speed things up or slow them down. So far, so good, we will see what happens. Please continue building. Nothing to see here.
I made the Settler test even more fool proof user friendly: It seems that some users could not find the radio button on the lots to select a lot. Now, instead of having to click on the radiobutton, you can click anywhere on the lot to select the radiobutton.
On top of that, the “next” button on the top changes to “Choose lot EMP_A1” or whatever lot the user chose. I hope this will reduce the questions.
I now converted the donations, the stories, the banned users, the whitelist, the Unc-accounts and the karma system from usernames to UUIDs.
Further, I implemented a cascading system that tries to retrieve UUIDs from 4 different sources for a user, namely the blog-registered users, another database to store new users, todays logfile (it registers the UUID of every user that even tries to login on the server, stuff found there is then written to the previous database for later usage) and if all those fail, tries to get it directly from Mojang. I needed to do this since I now need to have the UUID even before the user is registered and if I go directly to Mojang too often, they block me for 1 hour.
There are still a bunch of items left that I need to convert to UUIDs, but there are 2 main plugins that I use on the server (logblock and worldguard) that store important information and so all code that I write right now has to work with both usernames and UUIDs.
I will have to wait until those two are updated and then change all the code accordingly. I assume this should be all feasible before we would be otherwise able to upgrade to 1.8, so this item should not be delaying any upgrades.
Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:
Congratz and thanks to all voters!