I have added the server now to a new server list where you can vote on and get rewards! Please head over and vote so we can get on top of the list!
Welcome, stranger!
Please feel free to look around! In order to start building with us, please whitelist yourself. To know more about how to join us, please continue here.If you are a member already, don't be a stranger and login!
If you want to see what awaits you inside, watch our trailer!
New Personal Shop& Deposit page online!
To be found newly under the “Your Stuff” section on the website, you can now access information about your personal Deposit, Requests and offers in the shop as well as recent transactions done involving your account.
I am hoping to add additional / better functions here to allow you to do better business on Uncovery and to increase the competition. If there is any specific information you would like to to see regarding your personal shop/deposit items, please tell me and I will consider including it on the page.
Poke’s Video is out!
Full item database finished
I have now finished a full item database with icons for every single block and item so that we have a full inventory for the shop pages on the website.
Next one up is a re-vamp of the data tables on the website. As you might have noticed, the website shopdata is currently broken, I need to fix those.
Today’s upgrades
Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:
- spencer454 (from CitizenDonatorPlus to ArchitectDonatorPlus)
- linklux (from ArchitectDonatorPlus to DesignerDonatorPlus)
Congratz and thanks to all voters!
Today’s upgrades
Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:
- bdogg99 (from Citizen to Architect)
Congratz and thanks to all voters!
Today’s upgrades
Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:
- alerwrig (from ArchitectDonatorPlus to DesignerDonatorPlus)
Congratz and thanks to all voters!
Welcome Redditors! [Updated Chart]
Since pinebenj posted his city on reddit, we received an increased number of visitors on the site. Welcome /r/gaming Redditors!
Data input help request (now editable)
I would like to ask the Uncovery community (again) for some help getting some data together. In order to display all the blocks and items on the website correctly, I have so far used an image provided by the minecraft wiki. The issue is that this image is not up to date. So I would like to get all the images that are already in the wiki available. For this however, I need the URLs of the individual block graphics that are available on the wiki.
For this, I have created a spreadsheet.
How to enter data:
- Open the spreadsheet and pick a line, let’s say line 233:
The first field is the ID, the second the “Damage Value” and the last one the name & link of the item. Click on the link. A box will pop up that let’s you go to the respective wiki page. The links are guessed do not all work. Just as in this case for example, so please search for redstone lamp in the wiki search field instead. This will bring you to this page. - If the Damage Value is 0, just take the appropriate image on the top right of the page (in this case the lit redstone lamp). If the Damage value in the table above is NOT 0, there is most likely a rotating image on the top right that will sooner or later display the block that you want to have. See for example slabs. To make sure you have the right item, please check in the sidebox on the right the entry “Data Value” to be the same as the first column.
- Once you click on the right image, you will come to a page like this here. There is the same image on the top right, click on it again to get to a page where you see only the image, like this here. Now look at the URL of the image, it looks like this:
http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/minecraft.gamepedia.com/a/a8/Redstone_Lamp_%28Active%29.png - I am interested only in the part after “gamepedia.com”. So copy and paste that part into the spreadsheet: /a/a8/Redstone_Lamp_%28Active%29.png
Make sure it has the / in the beginning and ends with .png. If there is anything like ?version=…. behind it, please remove that. - Rinse and repeat :)
Thanks for the help! If there are unclear items, please skip them and put a ? in the field instead of the URL.
New video project by poke0523!
poke0523 is working on a new video project featuring uncovery minecrafters and their most epic builds! It will be filmed in the major cities (spawn, riedi73’s and pinbenj’s) and all contributors are invited!
If you think other places should be added, want to help or be featured with what you built there, please talk to poke0523 or comment here!
Support ticket issue resolved – check your open tickets please!
I have found and fixed an issue with the support tickets.
Please note that this only affected in-game created tickets. All others are fine.
The issue was that in-game created tickets sent an email to me, but did not register themselves into the database. If you created a ticket recently online, please check if
- the issue has been resolved, if not
- if the ticket is in your list of tickets (do /ticket list), if not
- re-create the ticket please! Thanks and sorry about this!
Today’s upgrades
Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:
- camerissan (from ArchitectDonatorPlus to DesignerDonatorPlus)
Congratz and thanks to all voters!
Unified, constant item names
I have now created a table of blocks & items that takes the names for these from the official names that are given in minecraft. So far, the system has taken whatever was stored in a dictionary file that was created by another plugin. The advantage is that we can now have a clear indication for what a block is named, it won’t change and is the same everywhere across the game.
People can still lookup items in the shop with randon names (dsword, diamondsword etc) (using the /search command) which is researched in the above mentioned dictionary, but when it comes to what the system displays, we have a concrete name now.
Vanity titles fixed!
I now was able to fix the vanity titles. Setting & cancelling along with normal expiry should work fine now. Thanks to khyddinamaani for helping with a detailed report!
Today’s upgrades
Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:
- yorllik (from Architect to Designer)
- annajanna (from Citizen to Architect)
- ginger_snaps (from CitizenDonatorPlus to ArchitectDonatorPlus)
- khyddinamaani (from ArchitectDonatorPlus to DesignerDonatorPlus)
Congratz and thanks to all voters!
Minecart signs
Since I now was able to re-enable minecarts I went through the outstanding tickets that concerned the signs. There was one open since March, where a user notified me that there is a feature called “eject at” that allowed users to teleport them to any coordinate on the map. Of course this is not in the spirit of the server.
Because the permission system for the minecart signs is not really convenient to manage, I had trouble disabling those earlier. I found out now how this works, but this disabled the creation of ALL signs. There does not seem to be a permission that disables the usage of existing signs. I have to figure out a nice way how to manage the plugins permissions.
I know several people have abused this feature in the past. The issue is that I cannot disable already existing signs. If you have any of them, please take them down. So please be aware that if I catch anyone with those signs, it’s a ban.
Item icons are now almost complete
I have switched the item icons for the shop display now to a graphics source from the minecraft wiki. The only things missing here are some maps, hay bales, some newer wooden stairs and all the different potions. Otherwise everything is here now.
The best part about this is that I can update the code according to the updates in this graphic so we will stay current also in future versions.
Shop data fixed & simplified
I have now fixed an issue in the shop data page: As reported previously, the shop page failed to display detailed pages of the current stock values since there are now more than 3000 different positions in the table which we cannot display on one page without the server shutting down the process for taking to long to finish.
To go around this issue, I have now implemented 2 changes:
- The stock summary now does not show all item types, damages and enchantments at once anymore. It aggregates items on type-level. So it shows for example only one line for all diamond swords, not matter how much damage or enchantments they have. The items now have a link on each line that you can click. Those bring you to the stock detail page (see next point)
- The stock detail page does not attempt to show all the stock at once anymore. Instead, it will only show all items of the same item type (e.g. diamond swords) in all variations (damage, enchantments, colors for wool & glass etc). In order to pick an item type to be displayed, you can either go to the stock summary page and chose one from the list or pick one from the drop-down on the top of the stock detail page.
These changes make it a bit more difficult to compare different things next to each other (for example a gold sword next to a diamond sword) but at least they make the page displayable.
Today’s upgrades
Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:
- Jns_ (from Citizen to Architect)
Congratz and thanks to all voters!
Minecart Mania fixed!
Minecart Mania is now (once again) fixed. There are some small changes to deal with issues encountered in the past:
- Powered minecart tracks now only push the minecart forward when the track is ON instead of OFF.
- Since the directional launches in combinations with launch signs did not work, there are now 4 additional blocks that launch the minecarts in distinct directions. The black wool will still launch, but in the old-fashioned, prioritized directions as available:
Wool Color Function Black Spawn, pickup, and launch in priority directions as available North > East > South > West NEW: Purple Spawn, pickup, and launch south NEW: Light Blue Spawn, pickup, and launch west NEW: Orange Spawn, pickup, and launch east NEW: Cyan Spawn, pickup, and launch north