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Trivia forced ending

So far I did not have a function that would end a trivia game in case the quiz master would not ask all the questions. The game would be open and nobody had the chance to start another game.

I now changed that. In case someone tries to start a new game and there is one still open, and the quiz master of the open game is not online, the old game will be automatically closed, the winnings distributed and a new game is started by the new quiz master.

So if the quiz master is still online, please ask him/her to continue the quiz or to close it by skipping the remaining questions.

Map HTML improvement

I just worked a bit over the 2D map generation and was able to reduce the size of the HTML significantly. Reload should be now much faster once the background image is in the browser cache. Also, the way the top-right coordinate and the region file of the area has been displayed is now much more visible.

A lot of the code that has been unchanged over the years is due for an overhaul and once I have time to look at a code and get new ideas how to solve a certain issue, we can get quite some improvements out of the system, luckily.

Logblock-page now online

I have now finished the log-block webpage interface. All Elders can use it to identify any griefing issues in the empire, nether and darklands. The link can also be found in the Elder-section of the Userlevels & commands page.

To track places where griefing might have happened, elders can now use the logblock tools with /lb toolblock and /lb tool as well as the /lb commands to lookup regional changes wit the appropriate parameters.

New world for mega-structure planning!

I have now created a new world, dedicated for the planning of Mega-structures to be built in the Kingdom: The Draftlands

The primary incentive was to have a world where worldedit can be used. I made some intensive tests and discussed with Elders how to pull this off. So far Elders have been running private, local servers to do planning, and the lack of 100% backups and the complexity of running a server in general caused some issues that made me decide to host this service here directly.

As a result we now have a map that has the same lot structure as the kingdom. I highly discourage casual buying of these lots, which is why I put in the following limits:

  • The lots can be bought by Elders only
  • The lots are expensive (50k for a main lot)
  • You can get only lots where you have the same coordinates on the kingdom already

However, there are also upsides:

  • Elders can use WorldEdit (with some small limitations)
  • It’s creative
  • You can copy your kingdom lot as-is over into the same spot to work on it (still to be enabled)
  • Elders can add lower level users to the lots

Before you complain now about not being an Elder and therefore not being able to use Worldedit: Even with the limitations that are possible, WorldEdit is dangerous. It is not possible to 100% prevent effects outside the own lots. There are numerous ways to make the server lag off everyone or even crash it. So I want to restrict this to the people I know well and where I know they can stand up for anything that happens.

Mob heads

I am fighting with the new heads plugin to prevent it from dropping mob heads. If you are getting mob heads after this has been posted, please make a ticket. I will try to switch that off. Also, there are some mobs which drop bugged heads that can be multiplied after drop & break. If you break a head and get 2 back PLEASE destroy those. I do not want bugged blocks around on the server since we have NO idea what other problems they might cause.

Voting lottery updated, skyblock map fixed, log modules created

I have upgraded the voting lottery now so that it can handle block-types, i.e. different colored glass etc. I also included all the blocks proposed here.

I further fixed the skyblock 2D map. Seems nobody so far realized that it was 4 lots off in each direction, thanks tbrewda for reporting!

Further, I now have created a new logging system that logs all important activities on the server more systematically instead of just having the console log mixed in with the chat. I also created a web interface for that one and the logblock plugin. Once I cleaned that one up, I will give access to the logblock plugin to elders so they can lookup griefers and decide themselves if they want to ban them or talk with them. We had now twice for example blocks damaged in the darklands spawn and one time it was just a small issue, the other one was systematic destruction on a larger scale. With the web-interface one can very easily see how big the damage was and make a judgement.

Voting lottery input wanted

I have currently 3 different items in the lottery that need to be updated:

  • Common blocks
  • Ore blocks
  • Hand-made blocks

This list quite old and needs to be updated with the new blocks since the recent minecraft versions. So please make suggestions (provide block IDs) what should be added where:

  • Common blocks are: stone, grass, dirt, cobblestone, wood, sand, gravel, tree, sandstone, netherrack, soulsand
  • Ore blocks are: goldore, coalore, ironore, lapislazuliore, diamondore, redstoneore, snowblock, clayblock, glowingstoneblock, pumpkin, stonebrick, purplegrass, netherbrickblock, enderstone, mossycobblestone, stonebrick
  • Hand-made blocks are: wood, glass, dispenser, noteblock, poweredtrack, detectortrack, whitecloth, smoothstonestep, brickblock, bookcase, obsidian, chest, furnace, ladder, minecarttrack, cobblestonestairs, jukebox, jackolantern, redstonelamp


Trivia quiz & achievements

I have been progressing quite a lot over the weekend on the trivia quiz. The last things to do is to check if all the announcements are correct and program multiple payouts in case we have a tie.

This is how it will work: We have a catalog of over 7500 questions, some hard, some easy. Anybody can be quiz master and start a new quiz. The person will pick how many questions there will be and how much it will cost for users to answer. The the quiz master will get a random question. If he likes it, he can broadcast the question. I chose the [O] Offtopic channel for all quiz communication. Users can then send in answers and will be debited the costs. The quiz master can see the answers but not who sent them.

After the quiz master waited some time for answers, he can check which answers are in and then also see the correct answer for the first time. He can then decide to award one user the correct answer or to skip the question because nobody had a good enough answer. It’s in the judgement of the quiz master if he takes the funniest, best or whatever else answer to win. Of course it’s important to be fair, otherwise next time the same quiz master runs a quiz, people will be hesitant to participate!

A skipped question will also count in the number of questions for the quiz. When the initially chosen number of questions is asked, the quiz ends and the money that people paid to answer will be given to the winner(s). There will be a website where people can follow all old sessions and see who did a good job at asking and answering!

Achievements: Psiber contacted me today with an idea to implement achievements. We talked it through in quite some detail and found a good way to implement this. Essentially, all our handmade functions can be extended via achievements, for example the “buy xp” functions. There can be an achievement how often you buy XP and how much you buy over time. There will be different achievement points given to users progressively with milestones in each achievement they receive. Maybe the achievement points will be displayed as a name prefix, we still have to find out if things become too crowded on the screen. Psiber agreed to help me first with the general functionality, and then we can, over time and quite easily add achievements to many things in the system. There will be a website where you will be able to see all available achievements and for each user who has how many overall points and what type of achievements.

First results from the Lot Manager

I would like to share with you that we have now, about 12 hours of activating the lot refunds in the Lot manager, already 7 main lots and a bunch of street lots in the kingdom returned into the wild! Thanks to the users who have abandoned them so that others can build there!

Lot manager, new actions available!

I have updated the lot manager. You can now chose to abandon, refund or gift applicable lots! The further missing function is the reset option for flatlands and older version lots. Please stand by until this will be activated! Please note that ALL those choices are effective IMMEDIATELY!

Because some actions those actions are now immediately, I removed the actions so far stored in the database. If you previously chose an action for your lot, please do so again now.

Please check if all the chosen actions are executed correctly! All actions are logged, if we find a mistake, we can undo it as long as tell me ASAP!

New Deposit Features

Hello all, I have been working on a few small features to make the deposit boxes more useful, especially in combination with the shop. These are now available:

  • Buy, sell, or offer items directly to or from your deposit box. This uses separate commands: /depotbuy, /depotsell, and /depotoffer. Since these only work on your deposit, you can even use these commands from inventory-restricted worlds (such as the Darklands). Of course, they require that your depositbox is not full, and in order to buy stuff into your deposit, require that you have 1 free space.
  • Withdraw items by name rather than just by ID. So you can do /withdraw stone 256 to withdraw 256 units of stone, without having to know the ID. It will even attempt to withdraw from more than one depositbox if the same item is found in more than one.
  • /depositall will deposit your entire inventory at once, as long as they will fit in the deposit. This can be useful when used with the lot_reset user, to quickly move your items before a reset.
  • /depositbox consolidate will try to combine your deposit slots, so if you have the same item from three users, the shop, and the lottery, it will take all of those slots and combine them into one slot, without needing to move them to your inventory first. This requires that you either have a free slot or that you already have the item in a self-deposited slot.

These commands have been documented on the Money and Trading page. Please let me know or create a ticket if there is any issue with any of these commands, or about any other issues with the shop or deposit. Thanks!

Vanity titles expiry fixed

I discovered there was an issue with the Vanity titles. I made the recording by date, but if you were registering 1 minute before midnight, it would expire immediately. So I have to change the system to record the time at which you set the title and also take the proper timezones into consideration. Now everything should be good.

If you login now while the title is still active – and be it for one more minute – you can keep it until you relogin again. Unless, of course, you use the /vanity check command. That will discover the expired title and remove it.

New Vanity titles!

I spent the day today, after being inspired by the recent suggestions, to make vanity titles. Everyone now can rent a title for any given time. Please see details here or use the /vanity command in-game.

Also, since we have now 5 communication options, I split those all into different pages and revamped the menu accordingly.