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Post History: Grease_M0nkey
Looks good, might want to post your lot number so its easier to find for new players.In: Redstone Tutorial: level one of three
11 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
I can't find a single sheep on or near my lot at L14, so I'm willing to pay 200 uncs to an …In: Paying for sheep.
13 years ago
I'm in u7,u8,t7,t8. If the project ends up reaching out that far northwest, I'll gladly he …In: Empire Subway Project
11 years ago
12 years ago
Rome has been completed for a long time now, this thread is almost a year old.In: Join the Roman Empire!
12 years ago
9 years ago
Didn't know if this is the right place for it, but I've changed my display name from Silve …In: Name Change
9 years ago
12 years ago
Thanks guys, definitely glad my other lot wasn't reset. I forgot about the two month thing.In: I'm back
13 years ago
Hey all, between breaking my computer and being buried in work I disappeared a couple months ago. Lo …In: I'm back
13 years ago
I think its a great idea, and could let users get in on the fun without the pvp. For it to work, I t …In: Spectator Mode for Hunger Games
11 years ago
What you could do is set up a nether portal in a random location, 9 times out of 10 I end up in an u …In: ABBA Caving Idea
11 years ago
12 years ago
Well, its been a year since I joined Uncovery, so I've decided to put on a treasure hunt of sor …In: A diamond hunt.
12 years ago
I would love to see a larger scale contest, with bigger size restrictions. Maybe an industrial theme …In: Future Contest Suggestion
12 years ago
I would love that, then I could have my own darklands to pillage, 400k blocks away from everyone els …In: Nether Chaos (apologies)
12 years ago
There's no way it's worth close to even half of that. My guess is the guy was either an id …In: The Car i was Talking about
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
13 years ago
11 years ago
I think that's a little extreme. Simply turning the offensive words into *'s would do the …In: Censoring foul language
12 years ago
I have no idea how to use Trello so I'm posting here. With the growing number of users on this …In: Censoring foul language
12 years ago
I've had an idea for awhile about being able to pay to repair enchanted tools, and it turns out …In: Request: Item repair
13 years ago
I'll be honest - we're throwing science at the wall here to see what sticks. No idea what …In: Fall Damage
12 years ago
Unable to edit my first post.
From the FAQ:
"I got bored with my prot …In: Changing worlds(plots) whatever...
12 years ago