Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:
- poke0523 (from masterdonator to ElderDonator)
Congratz and thanks to all voters!
Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:
Congratz and thanks to all voters!
I have made some significant server updates today. I changed the protocol that is used between the website and the server, impacting most of the commands that we are executing. In this process I could eliminate an error with crossbows in the inventory breaking commands.
There will be more updates in the coming days where I will try to solve a couple of outstanding issues. Let me know if there are any broken items that you haven’t told me about in the recent weeks and I will do my best to fix them.
Please see the latest upgrades from the voting system:
Congratz and thanks to all voters!
Ok so all the lots except emp_q18 have been restored and should have the right owners again. Regarding emp_q18, which should belong to arc_heart, I have contacted the user who claimed it in the meantime to resolve the matter.
Dear all,
First of all, Happy New Year and all the best for 2021!
unfortunately we had a software glitch on the 16th of December and some userlevels were reset. I only realized several days later that this has also caused some lots to be reset (I assumed earlier that I had disabled lot resets in time).
Further, I was not able to deal with the issue for the following days since I was very busy with family over the holidays. I have now found the list of the reset lots and will restore them ASAP. Since this is a long list, I will have to write a script to do this – after I re-upload the gigabytes of backup data to the server to actually restore the lots.
I will check that none of the lots were given to someone else in the meantime, in which case we will have to revert that as well.
Here is the list of affected users/lots. I will let you know once this is done so that you can check if everything is OK.
king_v19_c | spaceidiot |
king_u19_c | spaceidiot |
king_u19_b | spaceidiot |
king_u19_a | spaceidiot |
king_u19 | spaceidiot |
king_u18_a | spaceidiot |
king_t3_c | dani0010 |
king_t2_c | dani0010 |
king_t2_b | dani0010 |
king_t1_b | dani0010 |
king_s1_b | dani0010 |
king_s1_a | dani0010 |
king_r2_c | dani0010 |
king_r1_c | dani0010 |
king_r1_b | dani0010 |
king_r1_a | dani0010 |
king_r11 | kalmins |
king_r10_c | kalmins |
king_r10_a | kalmins |
king_r10 | kalmins |
king_r1 | dani0010 |
king_q2_c | dani0010 |
king_q2_b | dani0010 |
king_q24_c | lilroc17 |
king_q24_b | lilroc17 |
king_q24_a | lilroc17 |
king_q24 | lilroc17 |
king_q23_c | lilroc17 |
king_q23_b | lilroc17 |
king_q22_c | lilroc17 |
king_q22_b | lilroc17 |
king_q21_c | lilroc17 |
king_q21_b | lilroc17 |
king_q20_c | lilroc17 |
king_q20_b | lilroc17 |
king_q2 | dani0010 |
king_q1_c | dani0010 |
king_q1_b | dani0010 |
king_q1_a | dani0010 |
king_q19_c | lilroc17 |
king_q19_b | lilroc17 |
king_q18_b | lilroc17 |
king_q16_c | lilroc17 |
king_q15_c | lilroc17 |
king_q15_b | lilroc17 |
king_q14_c | lilroc17 |
king_q14_b | lilroc17 |
king_q14 | bdecima |
king_q13_c | lilroc17 |
king_q13_b | lilroc17 |
king_q12_c | lilroc17 |
king_q12_b | lilroc17 |
king_q1 | dani0010 |
king_p3_c | dani0010 |
king_p3 | dani0010 |
king_p2_b | dani0010 |
king_p2_a | dani0010 |
king_p24_c | lilroc17 |
king_p24_b | lilroc17 |
king_p24_a | lilroc17 |
king_p24 | lilroc17 |
king_p22 | lilroc17 |
king_p21_a | lilroc17 |
king_p21 | lilroc17 |
king_p20 | lilroc17 |
king_p2 | dani0010 |
king_p18_c | lilroc17 |
king_p18 | lilroc17 |
king_p17 | lilroc17 |
king_p16_c | lilroc17 |
king_p16_b | lilroc17 |
king_p16_a | lilroc17 |
king_p16 | lilroc17 |
king_p15_c | lilroc17 |
king_p15_b | lilroc17 |
king_p15_a | lilroc17 |
king_p15 | lilroc17 |
king_p14_c | lilroc17 |
king_p14_b | lilroc17 |
king_p14_a | lilroc17 |
king_p14 | lilroc17 |
king_p13_c | lilroc17 |
king_p13_b | lilroc17 |
king_p13_a | lilroc17 |
king_p13 | lilroc17 |
king_p12_b | lilroc17 |
king_p12_a | lilroc17 |
king_p1 | dani0010 |
king_o24_c | lilroc17 |
king_o24_b | lilroc17 |
king_o24_a | lilroc17 |
king_o24 | lilroc17 |
king_o18 | lilroc17 |
king_o17_a | lilroc17 |
king_o17 | lilroc17 |
king_o16_a | lilroc17 |
king_o16 | lilroc17 |
king_o15_a | lilroc17 |
king_o15 | lilroc17 |
king_o14_c | lilroc17 |
king_o14_a | lilroc17 |
king_o14 | lilroc17 |
king_o13_c | lilroc17 |
king_o13_b | lilroc17 |
king_o13_a | lilroc17 |
king_o13 | lilroc17 |
king_o12_b | lilroc17 |
king_o12_a | lilroc17 |
king_o10 | lilroc17 |
king_n24_a | lilroc17 |
king_n24 | lilroc17 |
king_n18_c | pinebenj1 |
king_n18 | pinebenj1 |
king_n14 | lilroc17 |
king_c7 | gravenfear |
flat_l13 | kalmins |
flat_l12 | kalmins |
emp_v9 | lilroc17 |
emp_v10 | lilroc17 |
emp_u9 | lilroc17 |
emp_u24 | puttmutt |
emp_u23 | puttmutt |
emp_u10 | lilroc17 |
emp_t24 | puttmutt |
emp_t23 | puttmutt |
emp_q6 | pxgpsycho |
emp_q18 | arc_heart |
emp_p29 | spaceidiot |
emp_o29 | spaceidiot |
emp_o21 | bdecima |
emp_o11 | kidcodiwise |
emp_o10 | kidcodiwise |
emp_n21 | bdecima |
emp_n20 | bdecima |
emp_n11 | kidcodiwise |
emp_n10 | kidcodiwise |
emp_l15 | trueharlequin |
emp_g1 | unipr0 |
emp_f19 | gravenfear |
emp_c11 | kevlarjonez |
emp_b11 | kevlarjonez |
emp_af25 | unipr0 |
emp_ae26 | dani0010 |
emp_ae25 | dani0010 |
emp_ad26 | dani0010 |
emp_ad25 | dani0010 |
block_p15 | puttmutt |
block_j11 | dani0010 |
Hey all, Floored1585 and myself took a close look at the minecart plugin that he made for our server and updated a lot of the code. Floored managed to make black wool launches much faster. The plugin is now also much more future proof.
There are 2 updates:
So here are some update on stuff I have been working on:
Upgraded just now. Unfortunately, this broke dynmap (our 3D map). I will update Dynmap as soon as they release an update, until then we will have to work without the 3D map.
So as I reported in the past, I was worried that the aether world is corrupted beyond repair. When I tried to update it with Spigot (the server software we used to run) to 1.16.2, this was confirmed. When I then switched to Paper (another more advanced version of Spigot), it suddenly worked. Now that we have upgraded however, it shows that this was not true. Paper simply ignored some of the errors and other programs (such as the 2D map) still show them.
So I came to the conclusion hat it’s easiest to scrap the aether as announced and look for a replacement as soon as possible.
So, sorry for back-and-forth. I will remove the world in the coming days and then we will see how we can create something new that isn’t broken.
Here’s the ToDo list of what’s still left to do over the coming days:
I have upgraded the server and on the surface everything is fine. Please try and login and let me know if anything is broken.
There is still a list of things I have to do in the background which should not impact gameplay.
I have now shut down the server and will transfer / upgrade / send back the main worlds (empire/flatlands/kingdon). Once that is done, I will try to restart the server with 1.16.
ETA in about 4 hours if nothing else comes in-between.
I have upgraded the darklands now (took more than 8 hours on my PC at home….) and now I am doing the next “side-worlds”: Aether (yes! I might be able to fix it after all) draftlands, skyblock & the End
So those are now disabled. Feel free to use the server remaining worlds.
Uploading will take a couple of hours, the another couple of hours upgrading and then copying back. I assume to finish it this afternoon (in 6-8 hours ca.).
Stay tuned!
I disconnected the darklands now in order to upgrade it. The transfer to my home PC will take 5-7 hours, then we see how long it will take to upgrade it to 1.16 – and then copy it back to the server, which I think will be a bit faster.
So the darklands won’t be accessible anymore on 1.15. Once it’s updated, I will try to get the server under 1.16 up and running ASAP.
So please stay tuned.
[Update] Transfer finished, upgrading darklands now. Took 25 minutes only to count the chunks (17GB). I hope the upgrade will be done by tomorrow … [/Update]
I have now done one full round of testing and everything seems to work fine. So the next steps are:
One option that we have is to instead of shutting the server down for a longer time (likely a whole day or more) is to upgrade world-by-world. This would mean that the server is online most of the time but only with the worlds that are already upgraded. I would start with the server having city, empire and nether online, the rest would then come in as they are upgraded. I prefer this solution as it would take some of the pressure away to get everything done as soon as possible. Specially the huge darklands would take a long time and if we don’t have to wait for this it would be better for everyone.
If the server is online without some worlds it would mean that users who logged off in those worlds would revert to the city spawn. Portals and warps to those worlds would simply fail. There should be no risk of stuff getting lost.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments.
As mentioned earlier, 1.16.2 requires all the save files for worlds to be updated. Given that we have some quite big worlds, this takes a lot of time. It also can fail when small parts of the map become corrupted. Such corruption is the reason we are abandoning the aether.
I am currently doing the following:
So far, I have gone through the process once a couple of days ago. I am right now going through it again. I hope that the problems will all be resolved ASAP. Once this is done we can basically update the server to 1.16.2 since all the plugins seem to be working fine.
I have just now updated our custom plugins to 1.16.2 and also tested all the other plugins that we are currently using and the good news is that they all seem to work with 1.16.2 – at least they start properly without errors.
More news to come.
Since Mojang is working on a 1.16.2 release (release candidate 2 just dropped yesterday), I have paused any work into the update so we do not want to do the upgrade twice. I would assume that the final release should be out in the coming days (latest in a week) and then observe how the spigot updates come along and make further decisions on the upgrade then.
I hope we can do it before September.
The discord linking was unfortunately broken for a while. I have fixed that now and you should now be able to re-link in game according to the website instructions.