Additional lots for grabs

I now added the last login time to each lot owner on the map so you can see when a lot might become free if the user does not return until then and discovered that some people never even logged in after registration. These lots are of course now also up for grabs.

Water / Lava Cascades

I updated the building rules regarding lot-wide cascades. If you have huge water/lava-falls please remove them. I do not mind 1×1 or similar cascades in the center, but if your complete lot is surrounded by a 128 block high cascade, you are overdoing it. This falls under the rule of wide/high ugly structure AND under things that cause excessive lag.

The DarkLands – coming soon [Update]

I have been working for the last many days on a new game concept that is supposed to solve some issues with the current environment on the server:

– the game is quite easy. Once you have a couple of torches you only die if you accidentally fall into lava etc, but the mobs are not really a challenge
– the public area gets raided for the most valuable materials in a short time
– the whole concept of exploring new lands as in single player does not exist

In order to fix these issues, I need the ability to expand the map. On the current map this conflicts with the existing and possible future lots. If I want to make stuff harder, such as restricting certain tools or commands, I need to open a new world. These things do not work on a per region basis. Also, since the public area is quite small, I would need to reset it every 2-3 weeks. Some people build cool stuff there however, so I prefer to not reset it.

So the only solution is a new world. This new world should be as hard as possible to make sure that people do not use it to build elaborate stuff. People should go there to get stuff not because its easy but because stuff can be found there. So how dangerous will it be there?

– There will be no fire. No torches, no nether rack, no burning wood. No lava, no pumpkins. Only glowstone from the nether.

– There will be creepers that explode and destroy your buildings

– There will not be any teleport commands such as /home, spawn or else. You will have to walk, just like in single player mode. If you get lost, you better build a compass or look at your coordinates.

– There will be no map. So you will not be able to look out for places others went to and find sand there etc.

As an add-on I created a mob-fortress with a whole lot of mobspawners and treasure inside. The place will be protected so you will have to fight normally through the building to get in. You will need 2-4 people to conquer it and get out alive. I will place the building in random intervals in random places and announce it in a vague way where to find it.

When will this happen? I hope this week. I need the update to the worldguard plugins which is in the world since a month now.

The current public area will stay as it is for everyone to build in and for new players to get some basic resources, but not anymore to get sand etc.

I hope this all will ad new drive to the server. Since this all requires a lot of work from my side, I will not be install any other additions in the near future, since I want to make sure all works fine with this one.

[UPDATE]Regarding the nether, the current issue is the same why I do not open the DarkLands yet. I am unable to give different lot protection there from the normal world. Once this changes, I am happy to make the nether a huge public area, maybe with a protective shelter in the center. It can also be endless.

That said, I have to mention two things: Due to a tool that I have now that measures the CPU clock in comparison with the in-game clock I can tell that the nether and the new world do not cause any lag. But on the other hand, I do not have experience with 10 people being in each world at the same time. All lag in the past 2 weeks has been caused by the server hoster or specific actions on my side that put a heavy load on the server (resetting lots, removing the water from bigdlol’s lot yesterday etc). If I see that the use of the new worlds causes lag, the first solution would be to limit them in size and to reset them more often. If you want to help keeping the server healthy and fast, don’t run for 5 hours into the horizon just for the kicks. Mine the staff that is near the spawn points first.[/UPDATE]

How to get old lots

I have started a new process how to get old lots (=where the user has not logged in for more than 2 months).

First of all, the right to get such lots is reserved for now for Architects and VIPs. Since we have a LOT of new lots that can be given out, I do not want to have the work of resetting old lots for anyone.

To identify the old lots, you simply have to look at the 2D map. The old lots have a red border since today. To get such a lot, you need to contact me by email or in-game and ask me to reset that lot. I will take a look at it then and see if the lot should be preserved instead, in the case that there might be a truly epic building on it. If it does not need to be preserved, I will reset it and remove the owner from the lot, so you can reserve it.

Lag problems

We had some severe lag spikes over the last 5 hours and I once contacted the hosting support about it via web chat about 2 hours ago. I got disconnected in the middle and let it be since the lag was gone by then. What I got out of this was the best way to monitor the lag. So when the lag escalated just now I made the right records and called to the USA support this time to get a reply. While I was on the phone with the support guys I recorded these traceroute figures from my server TO my home provider. So this represents the network inside the provider that should normally reply within a bracket of 2ms, but instead I got this here:
1 ( 220.524 ms 220.521 ms 220.731 ms
2 * * *
3 * * *
4 * * ( 33.251 ms
5 ( 31.845 ms * *
6 * ( 31.792 ms *
7 * * *
8 * * *
9 * * *
10 * * *
11 * * *
12 * * *
13 * * *
14 * * *
15 * * *
16 * * *
17 * * *
18 * * *
The stars mean that the server did not reply in time to the request.
From my home I got some replies within an acceptable 200ms, but again some severe spikes within a 2500ms frame, with 350 being considered severe.
So the support there woke up some technicians and they are working on the issue. I figured waiting until they are done is the best solution.
Given that they are in panic-mode already it does not really help to create a trouble-ticket.

On the good side, the server itself never had any delay so far. It is also very likely that some of the lag that occurred over the recent days was caused by the same issue that godaddy has now, and whatever they have to fix will also fix that.

Also, I have NO idea how long this will take. It’s their lifeblood though I would think they do that fast.

Lag report

Guys if you have lag, please do the following:

Open a command prompt (in windows, click start, then enter “cmd” in the text box above) and type “tracert”, make a screenshot of the results and send it to me (  It should look like the one above.

Level & Lot expiry fixed

I have now added information to the Lot reservation page and the VIP user level description regarding the expiry of each if you do not show up on the server for some time. These are the general rules:

  • If you do not log into the server for 2 months, your lot(s) might be reset, and given to someone else
  • If you are VIP and you do not login for more than a month, you might be downgraded to architect level. Depending on how your lots look like, I also might pick two of your allowed 4 lots, reset them and give them away.

Please know that I am not going berserk on this and remove levels on the day of expiry without any thoughts behind this. The fact that I write this is more a warning so you know what might happen and to prevent people from complaining.

I will not do that with people who contributed a lot to the server or where I know that they are temporarily offline. But if I have a hard time remembering your name, the chance is high that I act on above principles if I do my random checks on the time users logged last into the server.

Shops bug warning

I got a notice that the shops might be not restoring your property when they expire, get backed up and then get restored. Please all do me the following favor:

When the store gets closer to expiry, please fill it with something w/o value and re-rent the shop. Tell me if you get your stuff back.

If you want to help more, rent a shop for one day put in some cobble and tell me if it gets stored in there, backed up, and restored when you rent it out again.

New worlds! New Gates!

I have the plan to create a new, parallel world as an eternal, large, public area. I am waiting for the worldguard plugin to finally be released to do that. It HAS to happen one day.

The consequence is that I have to build custom portals between dimensions and this conflicts with the normal nether gates. So from now on, all normal nether gates do not work anymore. To get to the nether, you will have to come to spawn and use the gate that was built there by me. I guess this will be a small inconvenience since coming back one had to go through the spawn anyhow. So I am looking forward to have another world with unlimited resources – but with more danger! Beware what will be coming there! Creeper explosions etc are not excluded!

What to do with the other mall floors?

Since the new mall is currently on one floor only, there is a LOT of free room up and downstairs. I am not sure what to do with it. There are several possible things:

  • A huge, multi-story maze
  • A dark, PvP, mob-spawning nightmare (mobs that hurt)
  • Rip out the floors and make a huge hall out of the mall below
  • whatever else you come up with!

Please comment!

New Lots, New Shops, New Bugs!

I have given now free all lots on the map (now we have 900!). I also enabled the multi-day reservation for the shops. Depending on your level, you can now rent a shop longer.

Also we have a new bug to deal with, they might be removed today:

  • Iron doors do not work anymore

Condemmed lots colored on map

You can see now on the 2D map which lots will be reset and then immediately given free for reservation. As I said, it can take some time since this is a manual process and I have to be careful that I do not accidentally do this even one block wrong otherwise stuff from the neighbors will be gone. I will go through them one by one and reset them. From what I have seen so far it works nice except for the one or other half-cut tree which I guess we can all live with.

Area reset FINALLY available

I can now finally go around and reset area to mint-condition status. What does that mean?

  • I can ‘recycle’ lots of inactive users. I will start to do so soon, since there are quite some people that have not been online since last year. most likely I will NOT inform them beforehand since I do not want them to show up once for 5 minutes and then disappear again for 3 months.
  • I can reset the public area. I might reset only a certain portion of it to get some sand back and keep the constructions in the north. I am not sure when I will have time to do this. The mall (almost finished, testing currently) and the cleanout of old lots have priority. I rather clean out old lots and give those out than expanding into the outer lots.
  • I will NOT reset lots at every request. I do not see that I should allow people to get a lot, mine it until all good stuff is in a chest somewhere and then reset it to be able to start over. If you built such great stuff that you run out of space, you better look for people to recommend you as architect – and get a second lot. I will come up with a rule when I allow people to reset their lot. Suggestions are welcome.
  • I still have to go around and pick the reset area by the corners. I cannot just say //regen lot_3a. I have to walk there, pick each corner, and then regenerate the selected area. So it takes time and I do not have a lot of this recently.

Please test the nether & lag!

I have updated the plugins etc to allow the nether to be there.
Please be aware that it is not possible to place portals in the nether to avoid the destruction of real-world structures with the corresponding gate that would be created. Therefore all the gates in the real world come out at the same one in the nether and there can be only one gate in nether that will always point to spawn.

Also, please tell me if you have lag while people are in the nether. Due to the updates the lag should be gone but I want to make sure.

User Webcamfiles banned!

He was unable to keep his brother away from his account who cam on the server and maliciously killed people by using the trust people had in the account owner. Since sharing accounts is not allowed here, I had to ban him.

Misc stuff

  • Please remove your shops from the mall INCLUDING chests!
  • I updated several plugins and the core server. Please tell me if there are problems
  • I fixed some issues with the nether, there should be less lag, you should have proper access rights now. Its still same regions as normal world, this will change once the worldguard is updated. There should be less lag now. Please report issues.
  • Minecart pressure plates are disabled. Please see this here:

Nether enabled! (well… 90%)

Ok guys, I enabled the nether. Here is how it works:

  • You can build your own portal to get there
  • Going back will always bring you to a portal near spawn
  • Only Settlers and above can use nether portals
  • The nether has the same protection as the normal world, so you cannot just mine anywhere. I will make the nether a public area once I can do that with a bit protected starting point.
  • There is a border around the nether like the normal world but much smaller, 190 blocks to be equivalent of the normal map.
  • You can find the public area equivalent in spawn and mine there if you want.
  • Do NOT teleport people into the server since this might cause problems

If you experience bugs, crashes, lag or similar please tell me.