Dear all,
it’s my great pleasure to announce that by today, we are two years up and running, with very few exceptions! Sure, we had some smaller roll-backs, our share of jerks and annoyances of all shape and form, but history proves us right:
Over the 2 years, we managed NOT to build an ant hill of griefers and whiners, but rather we managed together to build a sustainable community that re-news and re-invents itself to grow and prosper. Thanks to the help of all users who actively contribute in builds, discussions, ideas, we tried many different plugins, worlds, rules, contests and so much more and kept what was successful and parted (sometimes with some pain) from what was not.
A huge thanks to all of you who kept my work on the server enjoyable, thanks to the masters and elders in their support getting rid of the jerks and alerting me of bugs and other issues. Also thanks of course to our resident coder Azkedar who made my life so much easier and without whose contribution I would have been forced to limit the server size.
To celebrate, we will continue with this progress and improve the server even further. For starters we already had the contest. To continue, we will introduce a new user level that shall bridge between Architect and Master: The “Designer” Level. The Designer level will pretty much fall in all aspects between those aforementioned levels, details still to come on the website.
Further, for celebration we will promote one user every day of the month to the respective next level, many of those to the new designer level. We will start with the lowest rank in no particular order and end on the top. I might not have time every day at the same time for the promotions since I am very busy in November, but I will catch up for sure!
So the promotion for today is Vixengold to the level of Architect! Congratz!
[UPDATE] FYI: If you think the list of people to be promoted is random, you are mistaken. The list was made more than a month ago and coordinated and voted on by all elders. [/UPDATE]