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Post History: Knarz97
12 years ago
12 years ago
Sweetness! One suggestion though? The seats should rasied in the air. Wanna be able to see over the …In: My theater
13 years ago
13 years ago
Hmm... Maybe everyone can have up to 2 auction lots. Also, instead of expired lots, its only Ban lot …In: Teh Auction Haus!!
12 years ago
Im thinking that when a user is banned, we roll a twenty sided die. After we kill the goblin king an …In: Teh Auction Haus!!
12 years ago
Ok Dai, that'll be 1100 uncs. Have fun with that :D
Also, it is no longer just a p …In: The Wilson J. Pumpkin Memorial Pet Cemetary
12 years ago
Fellow Uncoverians,
Many of you in the Darklands have heard about the tragic dissapearance of Jer …In: The Wilson J. Pumpkin Memorial Pet Cemetary
12 years ago
Sounds cool. Or holy city on a mountain and hell city lower down, and holes in mountain. Like mt oly …In: Demonic/Celestial City Ideas and Plans Thread
13 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
Hi! Im Knarz, and I may or may not eat your children and anything that you love! :DIn: Butifuldzastr :D
12 years ago
12 years ago
No Xecaria for a MONTH?!?!?!?!? better get the rope and chair...... XD well good luck on ur miscella …In: Hiatus
12 years ago
No offense to anyone, but some very poor usernames are being used nowadays. User... MC... Minecraft. …In: How rude MCcaps
12 years ago
12 years ago
This is my view: We built a big cathedral in the city and its pretty cool. It has one or two crosses …In: Offensive chat in game
12 years ago
The first guest made me die a little on the inside, and guest 2 made me have faith in humanity. We n …In: A Tale of Two Guests
12 years ago
Hey, if you need any building help/ideas/materials and supplies gimme a shout when im logged on! I g …In: Heaven's Reach Progress
12 years ago
Hm...... thanks for the input you guys. I still dont know exactly what i want to do with this. i kno …In: We need to step up our game.
13 years ago
Also, Ideas on what to build! We arleady have a FREAKING AMAZING roman city, what should be next?In: We need to step up our game.
13 years ago
All i need are supporters/helpers. im voting for uncs now to hget a kingdom plot to start our city : …In: We need to step up our game.
13 years ago
that also very true. I do kinda like this idea.......... We could even separate into "Districts …In: We need to step up our game.
13 years ago
I have been testing an adventure map that you have 30 mins to build a nether portal before map is de …In: We need to step up our game.
13 years ago
I do agree with you sockso. But everyones builds is separate. Thats THEIR build. MY build. YOUR buil …In: We need to step up our game.
13 years ago
Actually all we need is a vanilla world with mobs turned off. Only trusted people have access to it …In: We need to step up our game.
13 years ago
I think as long as mobs didnt get in the way we could make it 100% legit. We would need everyone in …In: We need to step up our game.
13 years ago
I was thinking about this more. Still only theoretical. We could turn off mobs for this Kingdom worl …In: We need to step up our game.
13 years ago
Guys, I have an idea. Unc could maybe set out like an application to select builders. through the us …In: We need to step up our game.
13 years ago
12 years ago
Lets make a carnival! Everyone would make their own carnival game and we could just make a big park …In: New contest idea.
12 years ago
Since Adventure mode was added in 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 i think a fun thing to do on the server is an adve …In: Adventuring?
13 years ago
Also, maybe a few at different points every day, since not everyone is on at once. Or just one a day …In: Community Events
13 years ago
Maybe another contest would a hardcore parkour place, in which you must get from point A to point B …In: New contest idea
13 years ago
sounds good. ill be trying to start building the arena rough draft. Fun project for myself, maybe tu …In: New game to go with Hunger and Spleef
13 years ago
So, me and Rocky73 were talking the other day and the topic laser tag came up. After about ten minut …In: New game to go with Hunger and Spleef
13 years ago
Sockie I have a newfound respect/nonsexual love for you right now
(INSERT BROFIST HERE)In: Minecraft music
12 years ago
I would have to say rocky73. Without her, i actually wouldnt be playing minecraft. She helped me mak …In: Who's Your Bestest Buddy?
12 years ago
13 years ago
I know everyone plays minecraft, but any other online games? if someone would like to play Diablo II …In: Online gaming?
13 years ago
13 years ago